I wonder if there are any pics in the royal mersey yacht club
of the Mersey coastline
http://www.royalmersey.co.uk/page4.htmlroyal mersey yacht club
In 1846
it took rooms at the Birkenhead Hotel, henceforth known as the Marine Station, for Summer meetings although the rooms do not appear to have been in regular use until 1851.At this time only a few races were organised each year and cruises in company seem to have been equally important. Great importance was also attached to the duty of escorting visiting royalty and other dignitaries and elaborate orders were prepared for such occasions. Cruises in company were less elaborately organised but the importance of flag and other etiquette was stressed. For racing purposes yachts were divided into classes on the basis of tonnage; entry fees were also based on tonnage; entry fees were also based on tonnage and prize money, which was very generous by modern standards also varied according to class.
In 1852 the Club moved from the Union Gallery to 82 Duke Street and in 1857 the Marine Station was transferred from the
Birkenhead Hotel to the Rock Ferry Hotel. The Club was growing rapidly and in 1862 took rooms in Tower Buildings, Liverpool, henceforth known as the Tower, and from where storm signals were displayed when necessary on behalf of the Board of Trade.
In 1876 the Club rented from the Corporation the slip and sheds at the
old Birkenhead Ferry and these premises, known as 9 Mersey Street, became the headquarters of the Club until 1900
In 1900 the Club had to leave its premises at 9 Mersey Street due to the expansion of
Cammel Lairds. The present premises at 8 and 10 Bedford Road, Rock Ferry were purchased in 1901. The existing pair of semi-detached were speedily converted and the clubhouse was opened on 31st May 1901