HI everyone, Well P.C katchim the old morris minor cop car has died, BUT we now have a faster better plod car WE will catch the little motorbike teararse shit NOW!.
hi everyone, Just a few more jobs on "wikiwood town" well the cost of the small stones that you use in a model shop is a bit too much at £3 to £4 a small bag from a model shop so i got some cat litter YES a big bag of cat litter from home and bargain at 79p and have used that instead, But there is NOW a problem? the bloody local cats keep trying to break in through the window of the the model room for some reason [dont know why?] Well JOG ON KITTIES!.Now if you look at the photo of the lift shaft at the end of the platform thats where the lift doors will be to take the people up to the restaurant for a nosh up . Also kind wiki member YEWGARTH found me a cracking model kit of a 1/24th scale german truck [cheers mart] so a new truck for "wikiwood town". But getting around to building it like the london bus kit i got awhile back mnnnnnn?.Well take everyone choo choo for noooooo mike..x. P.S oh i nearly for got last year i got a paddington station clock so ive put that up for wiki people so they will know what the time is. cheers again.
Last edited by mikethetrainman; 11th Sep 20127:29pm.
hi everyone, Ive just found SGT pinz who,s checking over his radio control vehicles also started to put up some advert posters around the train/bus station, ive also done the lift to the restaurant and some seats on the platform im hoping to get the ticket machine into the station its already punched out for liverpool.Cheers for now mike.x.
good morning folks, Well ive started to paint a few of the people to go on the station [ ive got lots and lots to paint for the rest of "wikiwood town" and "wiki ville" phew ]. Oh i almost forgot wikiwood town and wiki ville is to get a NEW bus soon a red one and im hoping to get? a few more police cars for the wiki police force.Well thats for now folks choo choo for noooo take care all mike....x.
HI folks, Just a few people who have joined the railway/bus station from the anorak train spotter with his son fliming the choo,s choo,s to the loving couple with their dog. But there is a bloody woman who keeps singing on the platform who she is i dont know?. Anyway im toying with the idea of putting a plastic tree like cherry tree shopping centre in liscard and signs on the roof? of this restaurant maybe??, Ive just got to look through all the boxes to find hopefully some machines to go into the station and bits and pieces.Well enjoy the photo,s take care cheers mike...x.
Hello everyone, Well ive nearly finished the tomy bus/train station i managed to get two more police cars yesterday they have gone of to the paint/sign writers to get WIKI police letters put on when ive found the rub down pack ive lost then somwhere under the layout. Now someone from "wikitown" has let a bloody monkey loose [i think its a baboon] its raided the restaurant all ready little basket.take care all mike....x.
Hi folks, Ive just started to do the pavement outside the small church hall which is sort of next to berts lingerie shop [around the corner]. WELL the good gospel women of the little church of ST W.I.K.I.S ["women in knickers is sin" ] church. The good women are protesting about some of the knickers and lingerie [filth and that kind of thing] that bert is selling!in his shop!. They want the good women of "wikitown" and "wikiville" to wear woolen and much more cloth type undergarments instead of the immoral items the bert sells! so they are praying very very hard . cheers for now mike...x..
Hi again folks, There was a mistake with the meaning of ST WIKIS church hall, i found it in the church book in paragraph 16 second verse 89 sub clause 7 down the bottom of the page near the middle of the book part 1 and part 2 maybe part 3/4 and 9 in tiny words THE meaning of ST.... W.I.K.I.S is //STOP.THE.... WEARING.INAPPROPRIATE.KNICKERS.IS.SIN. i hope this helps in the understanding of the beliefs of the church hall.God bless mike...x.
HI everyone, Just a few photo,s of the church hall and some grass bushes etc around the back of the shops. I done it by painting a layer of cheap wall paper paste from poundland then sprinkled grass some cat litter and bushes on top and my lovely wife ann donated a cross for the church roof. Choo choo for noooo take care all cheers mike...x.