My daughter was coming home about 11.15 from Beb station that night and couldn't get through properly.
Hope the guy who was injured is OK and just glad nobody was killed!!
It's the minority of drinkers and druggies which gives New Ferry its reputation which is sad, as then everyone gets tarred with the same brush.
I lived in Thorburn Road in 1994-1997 and moved back to New Ferry from Bebington in 2010.
I love where we live now, the neighbours are all fab and the view we have is fantastic (there's a hint of where I am

I used to work in Griffiths too for a few years and could murder a mince and onion pie now after reading your posts about their pies lol!
Has that pub in the precinct been closed for good now? The one opposite the Co-op?
Everytime I walked through the precinct there were always people standing outside either smoking or blottoed or drugged up - not nice when you're doing the school run of an afternoon and even more horrendous in the summer!
I don't mind what people do behind their own doors, but please, don't go ruining things for others whilst under the influence!