It's all looking good Mike. What is the material that you have used for the walls on the building with the green corrugated roof?
I hope the tea bag mine keeps in production. They are shipping thousands of tons of tea bags over from the massive Chinese and Columbian mines at a fraction of cost of what we can mine them for in the UK. A sad, sad world! Opencast tea quarrying next ????
HI Pinz, good to hear from you hope your well,now the walls of the pump house is foam board and ive sprayed it with my favourite plasti-kote stone paint. Bloody foreign tea (it tastes like muck and also makes you light headed) thats why MR brew has decided to take on the competition by his own mines and also the sugar giants and milk bosses, But at the moment MR chuff has stolen three of MR brews points/switchers for his garden layout so the track laying for the mines has grind to a halt. cheers for now mike.
Hi everyone, The T bag/sugar and milk mines have received a shop for its layout kindly donated by wiki member yewgarth ( cheers mart), but at the moment they will have to wait a while as im doing MR chuffs garden railway. So choochoo for now ( i can say that as the silly dog choochoo is on the other layout)...x.mike
Hi Willo ,Thanks for that, i went this saturday AND what a load of cr*p!! £5.00 pounds to get in, last time i went in it was £6.00 pounds SO £5.00 this time its still too much for what there was. There where more stalls last time i know they are trying their best but please next time lower your entrance fee PLEASE!.
HI folks, Well im back from germany... and im thinking sod the germans! I will build a NEW GN15 scale project how i like to buid it!!. Well welcome to "EL-CHEAPO" (built on the cheap) village, pinzs army surplus shop and berts lingerie shop will be opening soon once they get new stock deliveries. The tea bag mine & factory is being built there is another mine being built named A RICHARDS in memory of my wife,s granddad and her uncles who worked the coal mines (god bless all miners past and present ). The new 15"inch gauge railway is called B.R (budget railways) the railway station is called HOOTON by where i used to work, anyway this for now cheers mike.