1. Mark + 1 Adult & Child
2. T.C.
3. missmahjong
4. derekdwc
5. kimpri
6. Zubee
7. dilly
8. cathie
Looking a head at the weather, it may be a little chilly but Sunny / Cloud and Dry

For those that dont know, there are a few weatherspoon pubs about so a warm is never too far away, toilets, food and drink is plentiful from various outlets. There is always the possibility you can not get to the end of the pier, that happened on one of my visits, but that was a week day. I'm not sure if we would be in the right season for the fun fair ( If its still going ). But there is something for everyone.
When we get to Southport you can decide what you want to do there is no agenda so you can if you want do your own thing. We will arrange a time to meet back at the Train Station but if you want to go earlier or stay later that is up to you. We find going as a group and coming back on your own free will a much better experience for all. You can if you wish follow the main crowd and take the day as it comes to you. From past walks i can say we are all a great bunch of people and a great day out too.
The whole family for £10 a day out.
Come prepared like me ? Flask of coffee and a Home made Butties

it does not have to be an expensive day. And Our Silver Surfers as Derek would say Travel Free

I'm Looking forward to this. Its a Week on Sunday. Not this Sunday.