After the recent revelations in the media about leaked surveillance programmes, the above link is an eye opener . The programme of surveillance has been going on for numerous years and the above states that .. "the vast majority of cameras are not operated by the UK government",... but the information listed on the same article, at great length, points all fingers at the previous government for 'Orwellian plans'. Whilst we need a certain amount for National security, I believe that we have now crossed the boundaries of no return, and why on earth should councils be given the authority to snoop and monitor? We are still recognised to be the country most surveilled in the western world and I wonder, is it because we are an island? More of an easier place to keep all information within the borders and therefore an excellent place to experiment. I wouldn't mind betting that our very democratic leaders, Mr Blair and George Bush made some kind of deal. This is the very thing,but worse, that a number of years ago, we as a nation with world backing, critisized Russia for.
Last edited by granny; 22nd Jun 20134:19pm.
Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect. ~Chief Seattle
how does the song go?...Paranoia, paranoia, Everybody's coming to get me, Just say you never met me
look at the use of facebook etc, tesco clubcards, nectar cards etc. people willingly give up a hell of a lot more about themselves than "surveillance" can find out about them.
look at the use of facebook etc, tesco clubcards, nectar cards etc. people willingly give up a hell of a lot more about themselves than "surveillance" can find out about them.
a) Thats their choice,not imposed. b) Who says what people put on FB is anything like true?
Mr Hanky, what do you think about TV sensors, that can watch and monitor you whilst you watch TV, is that paranoia?
Trials were done about 15 years ago for shopping via our TV's and at the same time they could watch you. Much the same as Skype but what if it was general at all times when you were kissing and cuddling on your sofa? It is in the pipeline.
Last edited by granny; 22nd Jun 20139:44pm.
Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect. ~Chief Seattle
Mr Hanky, what do you think about TV sensors, that can watch and monitor you whilst you watch TV, is that paranoia?
Trials were done about 15 years ago for shopping via our TV's and at the same time they could watch you. Much the same as Skype but what if it was general at all times when you were kissing and cuddling on your sofa? It is in the pipeline.
Considering the recent revelations and things like all the recent internet spying acts/laws/policies they try to push through, PRISM and the Utah Data Center, I am surprised people still think no-one is watching.
Don't forget the UK has one of the highest levels of CCTV monitoring per head in the world.
How does the saying go?
At least they can watch you while you do it
Would rather wear a tinfoil hat than have sand in my ears lol
Last edited by rhoobarb2002; 22nd Jun 201310:50pm.
The only problem I have with them is, there's not enough of them and the quality of film from them is rubbish.
Why should I as a law abiding citizen who does no harm or evil to anyone or anything fear them.
The data collected on individuals in this country of any worth is not collected through film footage, unless you are wrongdoing, in which case, that's what they're for. If you want to protect your privacy, its what's on paper and computer files you need worry about, of which we all give freely and some compulsory.
God help us, Come yourself, Don't send Jesus, This is no place for children.
Morning Bert Back again. I know what you have been up to...
Looking at this from the 'collection of data' angle is different to snooping. Data is important to all of us for many reasons. My particular objection is the fact that the technology is now infiltrating our homes and work place. In one place I worked, secret microphones had been planted (without anyone being informed)so everything that was discussed, was recorded. Why? it wasn't a top secret bureau or anything like. A member of staff was smart enough to have spotted the set-up. They seemed to give the excuse, it was for our own protection. Rubbish! At what point would we be frightnened to open our mouths or open our doors?
Or how about a friendly drink and chat in your local pub, being monitored and scrutinized. Does that sound healthy?
Last edited by granny; 23rd Jun 201310:26am.
Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect. ~Chief Seattle
Voice recording is a little bit different from cameras, I've been a victim of that myself, in a round about way. I imagine that it has been illegal for years and yet it hasn't stopped anyone doing it, so to make it illegal now or change whatever laws there are wouldn't stop it. So, we all need to invest in Debugging devices. More money to waste on technology.
God help us, Come yourself, Don't send Jesus, This is no place for children.
Why is it different? You have nothing to fear or hide, remember?
How is one surveillance act 'not enough' and another 'quick get the de-bugging gear'?
The whole surveillance thing goes beyond just CCTV.
Phone Calls, Mobile phone calls, Emails, SMS Messages, CCTV, Banking Transactions, Web Usage (and all that social media entails), etc, all have the potential to be monitored by the powers that be. And we all know how trustworthy those guys are.
What little freedom we have is being slowly chipped away in the name of 'counter terrorism' and security, and has been said, some voluntarily being given up under the guise of connectivity and sociability.
Having nothing to fear does not make it right.
How long before non-extremist views on politics or religion become a target, simply because they conflict with the 'states' own ideals? Theoretical discussions could mean jail time maybe? What to you is acceptable?
If there is nothing wrong in what the governments do, why try so hard to cover it up and punish those that tell the truth? Why do people blow the whistle on these operations?
This may all sound like tinfoil hat rhetoric, but I am far from a tinfoil hat crazy, I even used to do my own part in help create this monitoring society (CCTV Installer for 7 years). I am just a realist who believes that 'they' are allowed to monitor us far more than they let on without anyone monitoring them to make sure they follow the rules.
The legalities of monitoring in the workplace as I remember, is that, except in certain circumstances, any people being monitored must be informed they are being monitored. Doesn't stop some though who could just claim ignorance.
Last edited by rhoobarb2002; 23rd Jun 201312:03pm.