Warning to everyone in the Wallasey Village area, some low life has stolen a pair of Black Easter Island Head Planters from my daughters garden over night. If anyone sees or hears of them for sale, please let me know, thanks.
Disgusting. Bloody scumbags, hope everyone puts this on their fb page and shares it as these planters are unusual and someone is bound to spot them. Good luck.
I'm on Green Lane as well - AND I have just put 2 new 'cube' planters outside the front door!!!! Yep, they are heavy and they will be even heavier soon when they are planted out with the Box trees. Still, I do not want them to be nicked. We do have CCTV but all that does is prove they have been nicked! Does not tell you who did it.
I think the best plan is a Rawlbolt into the concrete path through a hole in the bottom of the planter and a very large head washer under the bolt head. That will stop anyone moving them.
5 Precepts of Buddhism seem appropriate. Refrain from taking life. Refrain from taking that which is not given. Refrain from misconduct. Refrain from lying. Refrain from intoxicants which lead to loss of mindfulness
No I am afraid not, I think they must be long gone, probably at some Car Boot Sale on Sunday. The low life ripped the lovely heathers out of the planters in clumps which destroyed them and then to make matters worse, threw them around the garden.
It's sooo much worse when these a$$hats steal things that someone has obviously put time, trouble, work and effort into (never mind money!) and worse still when they trash it all in the process. Bloody Sociopaths! The punishment meeds to fit the crime if caught...
Well the low life ... bag garden thieves are back again in the Wallasey Village area, so keep an eye out. They stole a large black Easter Island Head planter from my daughters garden overnight, the remaining one from the set she had stolen back in the spring. ... bags, wish I knew who they were, they would never steal from anyone again, I would make sure of that.
Well the low life ... bag garden thieves are back again in the Wallasey Village area, so keep an eye out. They stole a large black Easter Island Head planter from my daughters garden overnight, the remaining one from the set she had stolen back in the spring. ... bags, wish I knew who they were, they would never steal from anyone again, I would make sure of that.
Get a big rotti,Santos,they will think twice about stepping foot into the garden and stealing.I do hope your daughter reported it to the police.
Yes they have reported it for what good it will do. No doubt it will be sold at the car boot sales or hidden in some low life's back yard. Some people don't deserve life especially when you see the ones that do passing away.