Hi everyone, Well i,ve started one of the pubs/boozers the EL-CHEAPO village is only having two (that,s all the village committee could afford). I have used a tea bag box as the main structure see photo,s, i have the names of the two pubs (in my mind) but i will reveal them when each pub is fully built. So cheer,s for now (hang on the pubs not open yet) sorry bye for now take care all.mike..x.
Hi all, Nearly forgot i have nearly done the road tunnel for the traffic to get to the station just need to painting inside black plus the road itself...choo choo for nooow mike..x.
Last edited by mikethetrainman; 26th Nov 201312:23pm.
Hi, Pinz and dilly, what a utube vid fancy living there right in the middle of the track. I wonder if it could be done next door to birkenhead central?, well dilly i hope i dont disappoint over the name,s of the puds/boozers i,ve just got to find the right pictures for the pub signs for outside. Anyway take care all choo choo for nooow. mike,,x.
Hi everyone, With the first pub being small inside i had to add on two toilet blocks ladies/gents/staff. I have put an oversized super ventilation fitter above the gents bogs as it can get quite smelly in there after a few skin full,s (seeing how high you can get and logging on etc right lads) , i have put some of the posters and pub law signs up as well. Take care all choo choo for nooow..mike.