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Thats a Massive Well Done to you. We don't always post but we do pop in and see how the project is progressing.
Hi everyone, Just an update on "EL-CHEAPO" village ive done a road tunnel for the bus to get too the station, and hve put a fence around the A Richards mine and the steam beam engine house fitted in place which ive made to work up an down to keep the water out of the mine. The tea box you see in the picture will be made into a pub/boozer and ive thought of some great names? too. Choo choo for now X
Hi everyone, Well today ive done bit more on the HOOTON station ie, the name board on the roof plus the roof i have also put a small plaque above the station door saying 2013 AD. The big elevated siding is now laid going to the tea bag factory? (when its built). The "EL-CHEAPO" village has just took delivery of a fire engine, talk about A cheap village they have bought a mini minor pick up with a ladder and they have ordered another and they are going to put a water tank on the back to make a fire tender (cheap skate,s).Also the road tunnel is coming on. choo choo for noooooow.