Big pot of chili on the go, make it with mainly braising steak with some mince in as well, cook it for hours until the beef breaks down and makes it nice and unctious, looking forward to it
tell us your secret how you cook it,sounds nice.
No recipe really, quantities depend on how much you're making.
Base of onions, garlic and chillies sweated off.
Brown the mince, and I mean brown it, no oil needed unless it's lean mince, fry the mince in a frying pan and squash it down so it covers the base of the pan like a pancake.Fry it until it gets some dark brown colour and nice and crusty on both sides, drain any fat off. Brown some cubed braising steak, I normally go 70/30 beef to mince. Add all to a big pan. Add tinned tomatoes, passata, a good squirt of tomato puree and a beef stock cube or one of those jelly pots.
Spices to add are up to you but I would say cumin, chille powder and cayenne pepper at least, I use these (you want to use more cumin than the rest) plus some paprika, dried oregano and a pinch of cinammon.
A few splashes each of worcestershire sauce, soy sauce and Maggi Polish seasoning sauce (I also like add a few splashes of Chipotle Tabasco). Add some water if needed (rinse the tomato cans out), it's going to cook for a couple of hours and get thicker so make it loose at the start. It needs to cook for a couple of hours at least on a low heat on the stove top. Lid on but just cracked a bit so some steam can escape.
I put some kidney beans in for the last 45 minutes of cooking.
Salt and pepper to taste over the course of cooking.