What's going on? My missus just coming back from Aldi along Park Road North and there's a bloke, greyish hair looked about 40ish 50ish, having a slash against his car on the main road just opposite Cavendish Street, silver car, possibly a Vauxhall. Kids with their mother at the nearby bus stop. This at midday. Dirty boy. Saw a bloke, older, doing same up by the railings round the corner from the River View a couple of weeks ago, in broad daylight. Earlier in the week someone cleaned their car out of about 10 plastic bottles, discarded sweeties, peanut tin etc and left it on the roadside just by Duke Street. What's with these dirty gits? And people are worrying about "dirty" Rumanians coming to UK...... I should cocoa.
Tanked up at 12 noon??? It gets worse. I've just been upstairs, looked out the back bedroom window and there's the fellah from next door but one having a slash in the entry against the wall opposite his back door, which was open, shakes the drops off turns round, goes back in the house and that's that. I can't remember it being this bad since I was in Ceylon and that's going back some. We are surely turning into a 3rd world country.
I am not making excuses for the individual by Aldi but there are certain of us who suffer benign enlarged prostate problems. With that it is difficult to fully empty your bladder when in the correct environment - and that can catch up with you later. With a vengeance. When you have to go, you have to go.
It is normal to do this discretely ie with a container of some sort in the car but sometimes that has been "tidied away".
A colleague of mine with this problem developed a quite discrete way to obtain relief. Open the car bonnet, lean over the engine and gently pee on the radiator grill. The leaking liquid will simply seem like you have a radiator problem and with a bit of care nobody will be any the wiser or be offended.
5 Precepts of Buddhism seem appropriate. Refrain from taking life. Refrain from taking that which is not given. Refrain from misconduct. Refrain from lying. Refrain from intoxicants which lead to loss of mindfulness
Not sure if the old , ancient law still stands that a man can urinate in public against the rear wheel of a taxi so long as he keeps his right hand on the vehicle !!! Now, about that cocoa !!
It seems dreadful, but is it any worse than all the dogs peeing where they want to, bitches sit on the ground and we have to walk over it. The males cock their leg up when it suits.
It seems dreadful, but is it any worse than all the dogs peeing where they want to, bitches sit on the ground and we have to walk over it. The males cock their leg up when it suits.
female dogs Squat/crouch to urinate. I steep over it Not all males cock their leg
Pregnant women can pee in a policemans helmet,if desperate
Incredibly, this is actually a myth, it has never been a law and there are a lot of (fairly obvious) reasons for it.
It seems to have come about because officers are "advised" to use "discretionary" powers and not to fine/arrest pregnant women from urinating in public. This seems to be an eminently sensible idea (as long as it's not in the middle of a shop/pavement).
As things will, with half truths and whispers this became a story that a pregnant woman could urinate "anywhere she liked", and so offices/banks etc, "by law" people will claim, have to let her use their toilets (again, untrue, although it could be helpful, and somewhat less messy to do so).
The "allowed to pee anywhere...." Idea was passed into public lore, with a few asking if "anywhere" were truly without exception, the humorist suggesting that this would then include a policemans helmet, which, if you take "anywhere" as an absolute, it would, and so the myth was born.
You can't, you have never been able to, it's not a law.
In Germany you can urinate anywhere so long as you are discrete about it and don't flash your bits, you have to face a way from the public, this is females as well as males. Often saw women nipping behind bushes for a slash. I certainly understand about the need to go but surely a bit of discretion goes a long way or we will end up the same as the Indian sub continent. It's the last I'll say on it anyway. Still getting shocked in my 70's after all the places I've been and things I've seen is quite something.
Could be a bit of competition going on there Sunny.
Not only but also: noticeably, gentleman cannot always aim in the right place either. Put a wine cork down the loo at a party, i.e. you have two, one his and one hers, I guarantee you won't have a drop on the floor. (Target practice)
Last edited by granny; 3rd Apr 20142:14pm.
Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect. ~Chief Seattle