It's the Fabbri's in Grange Rd. that I remember, near St.John's church and opposite Tudor House, the Co-op store. I don't actually remember one in Oxton Rd. I do remember the Post Office, just up from Charing Cross, on the left.
I'm pretty sure I remember Fabbri's as a child. At the bottom of Oxton Road, on the RH side, just before the (then) roundabout. The thing I recall most is the they had a large plastic (?) model of a cherubic looking child holding a giant (4 ft tall ish) ice cream cone on the pavement outside the door.
In the 1938 directory, I'm not suggesting this was Pinz's childhood, knowing he's only a young whippersnapper, it has 3 addresses for Fabbri's, as advert posted earlier. From 1949 to 1960,phone books, it only shows at 58 Argyle St. Nothing as yet for Oxton Rd. The other 3, Market St, Conway St and Grange Rd were described as Milk or Milk Cocktail Bars. Wondering where they are in the 50s, name change perhaps?
God help us, Come yourself, Don't send Jesus, This is no place for children.
The milk bar was in between the old Post Office and the Park Hotel, I'll have a look tomorrow and see what's there now. although I said it was called Fabbris, and I still think it was, but their adverts seem to disprove it, I'm wondering whether it was Olivieris, the same as the one opposite Hamilton Square station.(which was a big café on the corner), I can remember the Fabbris in Grange Road opposite the Co-op, it was bigger than the one in Oxton Road, perhaps someone could look it up. Regards to all
Thanks, Bert, I enjoyed the ice cream. Here's a clip from Willmer's 1915 directory: I see No.3 was then an ironmongers. The only name I recognise here is Tutty's; didn't they later move to Grange Rd. West?
Interesting. 258 is almost at Charing Cross. The gas engine seems to be second hand. Was it to generate electricity to light the shop and did Mr. Tutty find it unsatisfactory for some reason? Here's an entry from Gore's directory 1900. Interesting that it show him firstly as a brushmaker, then a hardware dealer. I suspect that he had just started to be a hardware dealer. I can't find Alexander Rd. Claughton, I can find Alexandra Rd. off Grange Mount. By coincidence, the next entry, Mr Tuzo, lived at 24 Windsor St. My grandparents lived at 22, but probably not until the 1920's.
Previously in 1897, the Mercury again I think, there was an advert for the job of Grocery Boy, Tutty's 258 Grange rd. Sounds like it was everything in one shop kind of place.
Last edited by bert1; 23rd Sep 20145:02pm.
God help us, Come yourself, Don't send Jesus, This is no place for children.