it that bad? If so, how can you guys live like that?
All I read about The Wirral and the UK is doom and gloom.
The gangs, the drugs, the corruption. Was this once where I grew
up. Oh how sad.
Snowshoes, I don't know how long it is since you lived here but there has been a huge change. I lived here until 1987 and loved it. Lived elsewhere for 12 yrs and couldn't wait to get back. Unfortunately those years had seen dramatic changes. Society seemed to have been dissected.
Wirral is still a lovely place but the issues as you see affect some places to a greater or lesser degree.
I actually despair for people who live in Seacombe. They have been promised an upgrade for so long and nothing happens. I'm sure they have a good community spirit, but that doesn't help their outlook on life.
Drugs are pretty much the norm throughout the country I suspect, no area better or worse than another. Mental health is a big concern too. Alcoholism is huge .
Wirral people have been put under pressure which no doubt has an impact, but the industry here is not much therefore job shortages, with what seems like perpetual job losses. That in turn destroys family life and hope. It seems as if there is doom and gloom spreading with obvious consequences. It is so difficult to even live on average incomes and people are struggling every day of the week, with nothing to see at the end of a working week. Pay their bills and that's about it. All this plays a part in behaviour patterns. There is no release for many. Having said that, neither was there during two world wars but people didn't behave the way that some do now.
Wirral is in fact a very small place, and news travels quickly. As a nation, all we hear is doom and gloom, the news is always bad, there is nothing to change our view on life and although we (our generation) have experienced the better years, without drugs or being abusive to others, many of the younger generations know little of our carefree , happy days or even how it could have been possible.
This is far too long and I could write a novel, although many will not agree with what I say.
My view is that as a nation we have been indoctrinated and brainwashed into believing nothing is good anymore, and that transfers to the children too. We reap what we sow.
Maybe that is key, our attitudes should change, but you will note that any topic on Wiki that is remotely light hearted or witty, good or happy news, the responses are virtually nil.
Hoping this is not too much 'off topic'. I'll probably be sorry I wrote this.

In for a penny in for a pound.