I had the Slk 55 Amg for 2 years and still miss it.The performance and noise with the roof down was fantastic.That glorious V8 at full pelt was totally intoxicating.
I live in the village mate, just off mosslands drive. black slk burbles past every day at around 730 am and 615 pm 1 more week of taking spare underpants with me to work then I get a normal car again!
Last edited by TheComputerLab; 4th Apr 20157:44pm.
I live in the village mate, just off mosslands drive. black slk burbles past every day at around 730 am and 615 pm 1 more week of taking spare underpants with me to work then I get a normal car again!
you can't have nice things down on mosslands drive. I had an in-car dvd player with bluetooth and ipod connector thing installed in my car, cost a lot of money to buy then more to install, it lasted about 24 hours before someone smashed both my windows and bent my door back to rob it. The frustrating thing is they snapped ALL the wires so it was useless to them and even if i got it back it was useless to me. i lived on school lane up by the school back then.
My car (and us) live in a secluded place,way off the beaten track and not accessable to the public,however,ive been subject to car vandalism in the past.
Just a little tale. In 2005 I was working in the N/East and I used to pass a showroom on the way back to my digs.Always had a fine display of class motors.Anyway, I was going past on Saturday afternoon and I spotted a silver Beemer ragtop.Looked really nice, parked up and went to have a look.First thing I noticed was a bump on the bonnet.Walked round the back, bloody hell, it had 4 exhaust pipes sticking out.Anyway, salesman appeared and asked if I'd like a little run round the block,He drove.Bloody hell, never ever experienced anything with acceleration like that.Well, couldn't help myself.About an hour or so later I was the proud owner of a beautiful B.M.W. M3 ragtop.S.M.G. Gearbox, paddles or a stick gear change and loads of electric buttons, knobs etc.I have to say, best car I've ever had,and still have.Its done 98,000 miles and still as sharp as ever.She's been well looked after, full service history etc., in fact if it ever needs anything it's done.I haven't seen many about, I don't know why,they are fantastic cars.The down side is I'm 69 in September, plus, diagnosed with Bowel Cancer 2 years ago,which has now spread into my bones, which now means it's Terminal.I'd give anything just to have a run up to Conway, my lad has a 40ft. Fishing boat moored in the river.Days fishing, nice steady run home, roof off, couldn't be happier. Sorry if I've bored anyone to death,but I was just feeling a bit melancholy. Thanks Phil.
Sorry to hear you have problems, Phil. I'm on the way out too; I have pulmonary fibrosis and it's getting worse. At least I have the means for a peaceful exit and I doubt I'll see another winter. I hope you get your trip to Conway. All the best, Chris.
Literally just arrived on the drive way. Not had it out yet but git an early start in the morning. Hour drive to get to know it! Nice story Phil, shows how we all take the simple things in life for granted, always to busy with work and other bullshit to enjoy the small pleasures.
First impressions of the car is, it's well built. The computer seems overly complicated..