Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect. ~Chief Seattle
Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect. ~Chief Seattle
Very disappointing they felt the need to deface the place. Loses them all credibility and harms their cause. Im not against direct action as its often needed to get the ears of those who can make a difference -- but no, not acting like morons.
Venice- go and visit the place. Only by visiting the place can you gain perspective.
Go and view the 'grafitti', 'the art', 'the whatever you decide'- depending on your perspective- see it for your self, meet the occupants- before you judge.....
Go and see that the 'interior decor' is confined to two rooms- the main living areas- out of perhaps 30.
Go and meet the people there, differentiate between those in genuine need, those who are faciliating the Occupation and the many many people/ companies ringing up/ visiting with donation offers.
The homeless people- with warm food in their bellies and a safe place to sleep-entertained by the kids who have a band and will entertain the occupants for ten minutes, free of charge- (whoah- how very dare the misfortunate ENJOY themselves).
I'm taking Granny has run 'out of steam' now!!!! (Amusing- reading your rants today):D
Get yourself over there, as you are so passionate- (4 hours is it you spent today), posting your ' internet findings' and come back to us with an 'accurate'(from the right wing) eye- account report. I doubt you would go over but at least it would be a first hand account, as opposed to laughable inaccuracies.
I'm glad you're passionate about this Rude, someone has to put a positive spin on things when it's needed. I agree with Venice and others about the posts regarding graffiti which is an unfortunate part of these type of stances. It is too easy to slight individuals through the actions of others. It is frustrating when physical damage is caused but daubing of paint is not quite as bad due to the fact that any potential buyer is more than likely to repaint all the rooms as is the case with most corporate venues (Still no excuse, i know). There are definite needs that need to be met as most venues offering temporary accomodation for the homeless tend to only offer short term periods. Regarding food banks and monies held, it makes sense to me that if there is excess money that it isn't wasted buying food which could go to waste but to perhaps put it into an intrest earning account making the money work for itself. Being a socialist for most of my life I agree with direct action rather than piosly sitting on my butt ranting for change and slagging people of on the tv, pc or newspaper. Direct action has worked for previous generations to bring about positive change which benefits everybody. Each to their own.....
I'm taking Granny has run 'out of steam' now!!!! (Amusing- reading your rants today):D
Get yourself over there, as you are so passionate- (4 hours is it you spent today), posting your ' internet findings' and come back to us with an 'accurate'(from the right wing) eye- account report.
Granny has not run out of steam, and it quite obvious that you are very heated about all this. This is a political venture, and shown to be so with the posts on Wirral Unite facebook page. If people wish to be political, and pro-active, that's fine. No squabble about that, but when political activists USE the unfortunate e.g 'homeless in our society' to make their views and opinions heard, whilst at the same time causing vandalism for their own purpose, it is disgusting and non productive. It's a similar stunt to those who use the 'poor pensioners' for political gain, as soon as a mission is over the real feelings begin to show. e'g "Granny running out of steam" . So by any standards Granny is being politically active, in her armchair behind a keyboard, just like the rest and showing how others manipulate situations to their own advantage. I doubt you will remember all the activist groups in the 60's Rude, all over the country, doing the self same thing but most had respect for the fellow man and didn't use them as blackmail. They didn't get much in the way of results either other than those who were truly passionate taking life seriously and starting charities such as we still have today. They were pro-active in a far better way. Personally, those pics and others still up on the Wirral Unite FB page, simply show how low some will sink but worse, they think it's beneficial to their so called cause. They should all grow up !
Last edited by granny; 23rd Apr 20157:27am.
Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect. ~Chief Seattle
My thoughts are, that a couple of "outdoor sleepers" have had a nice "doss" taken over by dipsticks, who have set in motion the inevitable eviction. Social history for future generations to view. They have occupied an empty building that used to be a bank, some perspective needed here.Witherspoons have been doing it for years, proving heat, food, refreshment and entertainment for the homeless.
When you are resting in your armchair Rude in about fifty years from now - I wonder how you will view the generation doing the same thing. I will have crossed the River Styx by then but I wonder if you will think 'I've seen all this before, is there a better way?' as I am thinking now.