=====================================Updated : 23rd March
Convoy Meeting at the Rock Retail Park 9:30am
To Leave No Later than 10am
=====================================Hi Jay and the guys
, ive popped along from
www.clubvec.com to see if any of you guys are interesed in turning up to the vauxhall plant, just off the m53 in march of next year?? The proposed date would be sunday, 26th march 2006.
Its in aid of the Chester Child Birth appeal for neo nates (poorly babies, pre term
> etcc.)to give these little ones a better start in life.
we have only just got the go ahead for this, and we have reserved a place there for the day, and would like you lot to come and show off your cars.
As this is a charity do, please no burnouts or silly behaviour though, but we are looking into a mobile rolling road for the day
A catering truck will be there, for supplying you with food and drink etc....
The cheshire regiment is involved too,and as well as marshalling the day, they are turning up with a landrover and some other vehicles,maybe a target practice mobile thing too
there is also going to be a band there for groovin` on down
hopefully we can get in excess of 300 cars and raise some good money for the little uns`.
some people are interested too inc:
mk2 dubclub
mitsubishi evo club
uk hot cars etc...
this is not limited to the northwest though,we are going to go national with this, as everyone is welcome.
All we ask is a donation of £2 per CAR on the gate to go to the above charity.
If your interested, pleas visit
www.clubvec.com (you will need to register)and a special charity forum will be put up for people to paste their names in if you want to come and show off your weapons of transport
be there and will be judging the winner of show and shine, best car on the day, and helping with the rolling road.
So, the more poeople and cars that come to this event, the better!
thanks for your help guys.
Maybe jay or admin can make this a sticky for me, as i went to see him the other day, but he was closed.
cheers guys.