you must be logged in to see the images.* Your Antivirus and Firewall software could be removed without warning !!ok you will eventually presented with the following image.
In the top left corner of the image click on the 3 bars and select Check this Pc.
Its mainly peice of mind, as the upgrade will run this test anyway, so its a quicker way of deciding if you want to go ahead.
You should now see the thumbs up, but look closer !!
I have an app that needs to be uninstalled.
But No warning that my current Antivirus and Firewall will be removed.The advice is to go to your Antivirus or Firewall software provider and check its compatibility.
If its not compatible the advice would probably be to uninstall prior to the upgrade.
In my case the upgrade removed my Antivirus and Firewall software without any warnings.
And replaced it with Windows Defender and Windows Firewall ?? (At least there is something).
Before I run you through the Install process i want to show you what you need to check before you settle in with Windows 10.
You have the 30 days to to roll back, and you can try again. The roll back does work pretty well.
Windows 10 did not predict any hardware problems only a software conflict / incompatibility.
However windows 10 afterwards Device Manager showed 3 Unknown Devices.
See the image below, under "Other Devices"
Ok Lets Do it !!
I'm Advised to remove the program before continuing, this did show in the PC Check so you cant proceed until you do as it asks.
O yeah i'm ready again
Come on lets get on with it !!