All very good points raised

Love the litter picking one.
My original point was if this is truly at "Litter" campaign then why is it not targeted to all kinds of littering. In my humble opinion its discriminating towards smokers because it brings in the revenue which from the £80,000 speaks volumes.
From the results they have 98% of the revenue from Cigarette related offences. Which is not balanced at all for a "Litter" campaign, its a Revenue Campaign or it would be called "
Don't Drop your Butt" and giving fair warning to a smoker to be aware of the campaign. If the revenue was balanced you could say its a fair and honest campaign. But its not informed smokers of the new harsh fines being imposed under new littering rules.
I'm an ex smoker so i'm not fighting for the smoker but just how unfair and under had this comes across at.
Dog Fouling.
Its known that it has not be a successful campaign and prosecutions are minimal. Due to an expensive process. But while this was in place, i cant remember a smoker being fined for dropping a cigarette butt.
Shame on the Council in my opinion for this tactic and the revenue stream.
I've done more digging and follow me on this one if you would.
After a Quick Google
Wirral Council LitteringWirral Council Press Release Pages
Click me In summary the Notifications for the Public.
Litter louts will be hit with tougher fines from April 1 Click Me “With more than 10,000 tonnes of litter and fly tipping waste collected during 2013/ 14 and more than 2,000 flytipping incidents a year, it is imperative that we deal with this problem.
Ive never see 10,000 tones of Cigarette butts, so at first glance this is revenue again, as there are 2,000 flytipping incidents a year.
There is currently discount for prompt payment of FPN’s with the penalty being reduced by £25 if paid within 10 days. When the fine increases on April 1 this year, a reduction of £20 will be made if payment is made within 10 days.
So the Fines is increased (See below) and the early payment is less. Previously £75 - £25 = £50 Early Payment. Now £80 - £20 = £60 Early Payment. Fine goes up, and early payment goes down.
Litter louts will be hit with tougher fines from April 1
Posted 23 March 2015 - 5:55pm
From April 1, 2015, Wirral Council is increasing the fixed penalty notice fine for littering from £75 to £80.
Wonderful but failing to mention that the Early payment is reducing until you get to the bottom of the page.
So Far Nothing about Cigarette butts and the more balanced opinion of littering in my vue, Fly tipping alley ways etc
139 fined on first two days of dedicated litter patrol Click Me Tackling litter, as well as associated issues such as fly-tipping and dog fouling, was one of the 20 pledges made by Council leader Phil Davies earlier this week and the introduction of this no-nonsense approach is a demonstration of this commitment.
No Cigarette butts mentioned. As there top priority !!
“Our aim is to patrol in an ‘intelligence led’ manner focusing our controls on identified litter hotspots
So if your reporting hot spots there following the money trail. But no mention of cigarettes again. . . .
And its not all bad, because after the councils announcements about tackling littering they post the following headline
Wirral parks are the best in the North West Click me The Green Flag award winners are unveiled today and out of the 1,582 UK parks, cemeteries, universities, shopping centres and community gardens in the UK that were adjudged to have met the exacting standards required, 22 of them are in Wirral.
I'm so confused about what the council is actutally saying to us, we have the worst litter caused by smokers dropping cigarette butts or we have the best parks. . .
And Finally folks as my rant comes to a close lol
I have managed to find a page on the wirral councils web sie about cigarette butts. And the clarification is all too clear now as its on the same page on how to pay your fine !!
Click me You know we get letters from the council if there is an election or councillor change, but they don't choose to inform us of the £80 fine for the following
It is a crime to drop and leave any form of litter including:
fast food wrappers and packaging
chewing gum
cigarette butts and other smoking related products
flyers left on windscreens** Flyers left on screens ?
Is that a flyer blowing off or someone putting a flyer on my car ??
O well its off my chest now ish. . . .