I'm guessing the Eastham one is in the country park where there is a bear pit? And the Liverpool one is now Clarke Gardens? Great place for running round all those parks (Calderstones, Botanic, Camp Hill, Clarkes, Sefton, Princes, Mossely Hill, Wavetree Playgrounds)
I've not been keen on the traditional type of zoo ever since I went to South Africa and realised how much better it is to see things in their reasonably natural state. It is not a true natural state in most of the SA Wildlife Parks because they do bring in animals from other parts to make sure there is enough for the visitors to see.
What is amazing is how the animals completely ingnore vehicles. As the guy in the centre said - to the park inhabitants vehicles are just big, noisy and smelly animals that are completely harmess, so they ignore them. I have been in an open jeep 10 yards from 2 young (but big) lions sunning themselves in the early morning and there was no danger so long as you stayed in the jeep. Most stunning was seeing elephant in similar circumstances (ok 20 yards) - and realising how SILENT they are when they walk. Literally there was NO sound. It was like they walked on air, and almost as soon as they went into the bush they seemed to just "disappear". Their camouflage was superb.
The only disadvantage of seeing animals like this is - you get through dozens of rolls of film
That is a link to a webcam at a small lake in Botswana. provided there are no technical problems the camera runs 24/7 with lights at night. If the cameras are down they show videos of past events
Just learn to ignore the introductory adverts - someone has to pay for the cameras
Beware - these sites are terrible time wasters
Last edited by Snodvan; 9th Apr 200812:19pm.
5 Precepts of Buddhism seem appropriate. Refrain from taking life. Refrain from taking that which is not given. Refrain from misconduct. Refrain from lying. Refrain from intoxicants which lead to loss of mindfulness