Don't forget that George Osborne backed an EU loan of £80 million to move Ford Transit production line from Southampton to Turkey in 2013 resulting in 600 job loses.
Labour Remain were canvassing parents outside a school and I had a pleasant chat with them. What struck me though was that 90% of the parents were all for "Leave". Think the floating voters will vote Remain just because people are scared of change.
The lie on which the out campaign is based, is that the EU makes laws with which we have to comply.
In fact, it has no law-making powers. Any EU rulings are the result of agreement by the UK beforehand. Directives are issued, but we have already agreed to them. probably as a result of horse trading to secure the support of other nations for a directive we want. They also have to pass through the EU parliament which is staffed by MEPs for which we vote. It is rather more democratic than what goes on in Westminster.
The 'faceless bureaucrats' are civil servant, many of them on temporary contracts from the individual countries. The UK is very poor at this, because of our weak language skills so we are unrepresented but that's our fault. They are no more or less 'faceless' than our own civil servants, by the way, and probably rather less corrupt.
Much of the case against the EU is at the same level as the nonsense about straight cucumbers and bananas.
Sorry, Computerlab. Most can't read instructions,(as posted on page 1) let alone abide by them !
Put it up here so the public can view it if they wish.
Last edited by granny; 12th Jun 201612:01pm.
Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect. ~Chief Seattle
Thanks Cools and all. Had no one to talk to ! Computerlab, I have voted on page 1.
Last edited by granny; 12th Jun 20165:04pm.
Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect. ~Chief Seattle
Welcome back Granny---was just getting over the bereavement!
Excoriator said "The lie on which the out campaign is based, is that the EU makes laws with which we have to comply."
Can you justify that Excoriator as all the searching I find states that EU law takes precedent over UK law and where there is conflict EU law takes precedence and UK law has to be ammended
Panic over, Joey Essex is going to give us the true facts, this will be interesting he believes that his show will help those that are wavering to make up their minds, there again if you watch his show he probably could.
Have at look at david noakes site about the eu Eu was started / grown by nazi party agenda in the 40s Eu is about consolidation of power The lisbon treaty as mentioned above has finally abolished the uk in 2009 Free masonary & bilderberg members run the gov and the eu Thatcher looked anti eu and was quickly replaced by major The eu is an unelected polit bureau like the soviet union If you read 30 year old treatys hes right....