Key info in it quote "“It could touch any skin and in a couple minutes would take effect.â€
A media sensationalist version of "The main route of exposure is thought to be by inhalation, although absorption may also occur via skin or mucous membrane exposure."
Ex forces personnel will remember being taught the methods of delivery, pre treatment, treatment for symptoms, and methods of entry into the system, inhalation absorption and ingestion.
Tonight they say that the highest traces of the nerve agent are on Skripal's front door.
And yet this policeman was unaffected!
Good shout DD
I presume that photo of the copper would have been taken after Det Sgt Nick Bailey had become ill and it had been quoted by one of his bosses that it was likely he was contaminated at Skripals house..does seem rather odd you would then post another copper outside the house. Contrast that to the men in chem suits and masks pottering around in the open air..
Depending on the draught seals on a door you often see dirt on the inside of the frames because thats where any draughts carry the dirt
Anyone found out why it was a Detective Sergeant first on the scene and not a regular PC..
nextgenprepper 3 weeks ago "Russia kills a russian spy, Teresa May we will not tolerate russians putting british peoples lives at risk on british soil..... 3 islamic terror attacks on british soil in one month, Teresa May- lets light a candle"
Wearing a leotard almost puts him in the idiot class but at least it was unllikely to inflame international tensions.....used to like boris for his bumbling but he has gone too far now and become a dangerous liability. Starting to think now its time for a change of government on health and safety grounds........