Can anyone remember the computer shop that was on Seaview Road in Liscard in the 80s? Been racking my brain and I can’t for the life of me remember its name! I used to work in Fads and I’d always go in when I got the chance!
I remember a computer shop being at 71, I used to work at Max Speilmanns in Burns Avenue which is just next to were 71 was (I remember buying a datacorder from that computer shop) but there was another computer which was before 71, it was in a shop between 29 and 45. It was quite a narrow shop but quite deep, you’d struggle to get two people down each side, the centre had a shelves and cabinets with software in.
Must say you’re knowledge is off the scale! Much respect!
Thanks for racking your brains! I can picture it but just can’t for the life of me think of the name. For all I know you could be bang on with the name but I know the shop was well before you got to 71!
When I worked in Fads down the bottom, I’d always go in before starting my shift and then when I got a job in Max Spielmann, we used to get paid every Friday so I’d call in and spend my weeks wages in there!
That’s been doing my head in for ages and now that you have said the name, a little Google turned up the following results so I think you have hit the nail on the head!
I used to love that shop, it was packed to the ceiling with everything, I remember when you walked in directly to the left was computers set up, Atari ST and Amiga and other computers and on the right was the counter! I’d spend so much time just looking and taking everything in! I remember on the back wall at the bottom left was a display case which had hardware for the Spectrum, it was that case I bought my multiface 3 out of! Always use to buy 3” blank discs which were kept behind the counter, always remember you’d buy a disc and the lad would tear you off the relevant blank label for the disc size you had bought!
Loved the shop but hated it was full of everything I wanted and couldn’t afford!
How come you remembered the shop? Did you used to visit it?
(Hope the screen grab worked, new to the forums and not sure how it all works……)
How come you remembered the shop? Did you used to visit it?
Nah, I'm useless on Wallasey. I looked up planning applications for Seaview Road from the 1980s and sure enough they had a few entries. Looks like they opened in 1985 but had left that address by 1991.
It appears they also had stores in Grange Rd West, Birkenhead and West Kirby.
THE INSOLVENCY ACT 1986 MICROSNIPS (SATELLITE) LIMITED Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 98 of the Insolvency Act 1986 that a meeting of the creditors ...
Published: Wednesday 24 November 1993 Newspaper: Ellesmere Port Pioneer
God help us, Come yourself, Don't send Jesus, This is no place for children.
Never in a month of Sundays would it dawn on me that you could do such a thing as to look up things like that, I just always assumed once it had been and gone, that was it.
It would seem it was quite well known, have now seen a few folk writing into crash magazine saying how they had bought games and things from the shop way back when!
I would have been working in Fads in 1987/88 before moving to Max Spielmann in 89. Was only there for the one summer season but the money was great for the time, well over a £150 a week and as there was no minimum wage back then made sense to leave Fads which even though was permanent, what I’d earn from Max Speilmann as a summer temp for 8 weeks was equivalent to 8 months at Fads!
Sadly (but quite happily) my idea of banking the money and buying myself some time went straight into Microsnips till!
Once the summer of 89 was over, my time in Liscard had come to an end as I had a mate who worked in Moreton who told me about a job their so never really got much chance to visit Liscard once I was working full time in and around Moreton.
Once I’d left Liscard, I’d visit Birkenhead probably weekly and my new “local” computer shop was at the top of Charing cross in Birkenhead. I always remember every time I’d turn the corner to go down the escalator to the platform in Liverpool Central Station seeing a big lite up advertisement of the inside of the shop! God what I would do to be able to see that once again!
Thank you so much for taking the time to post the link, sadly I’d didn’t work for me. Did you notice if the link I posted worked? I’m not sure if it’s this site? I get the feeling things that should be easy to do are made to be as difficult as possible.