I'm making a new database so you can view the results
on a external web page too.
Hopfully have sorting orders sorted also as its a pain,
i was going to include the make and model,
but the first 2 - 3 runs i dont have the correct info,
and i'm hopless at guesing....
So i will link back to the review of that day
and also to that members mmc if i can find it.
Ive broke the camels back just the sorting orders to
finish as i have all the results from previous
rolling roads included.
Will continue to finish it tomorrow as me heads gone numb now lol...
I'm hoping that the video quality isnt too bad on my
phone, as i have a gp3 converter now, which will allow
me to change the video into a windows file and then
i can upload them for all to see.
I will have my laptop with me so anyone else
taking phone video's in the gp3 format,
i can bluetooth them off you and host them

Just gearing up for a great day