£100 reward :

£100 reward :

£100 reward :

£100 reward :

A Very good friend of mine recently had his Laptop stolen from the Odessey Centre in Birkenhead.

The Laptop is a Compaq Armada, simillar to this one.

[Linked Image]

Its black, old design with about a 14 inch screen.

The Laptop itself is not worth allot HOWEVER there were some images on the laptop that cannot be replaced. These are of a very high sentamental value so the reward is for the recovery of the images only with no questions asked at all.

The laptop is not worth allot as its an old machice and slow as they come. A additional reward is available for the laptop aswell if this was recovered but its not worth allot.

Its the images thats important.

Any info will be treated in the strictest of confidence obviously.

You can reply in this topic, send me a PM, send me an jay@jslweb.co.uk or phone/text me on 07725-055-630

Any help will be appreshiated and rewarded.

£100 reward :

£100 reward :

£100 reward :

£100 reward :

Last edited by Scooby; 24th Jan 2007 11:06pm.