Think she's gonna be bad again

She has been bad since the first time, another course of predisolone from the vet sped-up her recovery, but the vet did say if it keeps happening from time to time, it may be best to just let it heal naturally.
It's just old age I think. Touched he lower back before and she cried, also, she has been clawing to jump on the recliner etc instead of jumping, the tell-tale signs of it coming on again.
Gonna get the underfloor heating back on in preperation for it, the heat is good for a quicker recovery it seems.
Not looking forward to the next week if she is bad again. Fingers crossed she won't get any worse than just a lil bit of pain this time. It's horrible because she tries to continue life as normal, walking/running/jumping, but simply ends up in agony everytime she does everything, then hit's a point where she can't move at all for a day or so. And everytime the pain comes she looks at me!