Hmmm! Was it David McCaig or something like that? Just googled and can't find anything. It was very big story at the time and I can't remember him ever turning up.
Got a little more information. It was David McCaig and he would have been 14 or so when he went missing in early 1970. The police reinvestigated his disappearance three years after he went in 1973 but nothing new was found. He has not been traced.
There was some speculation at the time that he could have ended up in an open grave at Rake lane but there was a lot of theories of what might have happened to the lad.
I just find it amazing that it is not mentioned in any books. Surely that one should have been in Murder, Mystery and Mayhem?
I was in school with David at Withensfield Middle school and I remember the police coming in to school to ask questions. It was about1969/70 and I seem to recall that he was in school in the morning went home for his dinner he lived in Dovedale Road and dissapeared on his way back to school thinking on it was 1969 as we were in the old manor road school. It is strange that it is not mentioned anywhere I do recall a tale that he was seen in London but it was never proven.
As kids, we used to play in that pillbox on the railway embankment. Immediate ban on going in there after the murder ! Seem to recall it was only a short time before it was demolished. The concrete base was still visible last time I went past.
I remember that two boys stated they found his bike in Rake Lane Cemetery. This led to the police digging up recent graves. The boys later changed their story and said they found the bike in Thirlmere Avenue (I think with his coat) but were scared to tell the police that account as they had ridden the bike before they dumped it in Rake Lane. They thought they would be done for stealing it. The siting in London came from a woman who was a 'trained observer' saying she saw a 'bedraggled boy' on the Liverpool London train who she thought was David. Nothing ever came of that lead.
And then there's one ever caught. Wonder if they pulled down that pillbox?
The echo ran a story in August this year about the police re-opening the case after a woman claimed her grandfather was the murderer on an internet forum. link to story
Blimey! Wonder where that will end up? There was a house nearbye which always had the curtains drawn and was in a bad state of repair. By the late eighties some locals were convinced taht waqs where he was but the house was bought some time maybe in the 90s and totally renovated with nothing untoward being discovered.