I was going to tag this on the Bombed Birkenhead posting but i thought these men and women deserved a posting of their own, for the vital role they played during war time.
Last edited by bert1; 21st Dec 20088:42am.
God help us, Come yourself, Don't send Jesus, This is no place for children.
I have a full ARP uniform in my collection, even down to the beret, with all insignia. The battledress and trousers are all the same as the infantree (exposed buttons) all dyey black! I have been collecting Militeria since i was a kid
Bert,and quite rightt to.They played just as eqaully important role as everyone else.Great posting.
Hoseman,why not get a load of pics of your collection and post them.Any militaria I for one would be more than interested in seeing it,even more so if it`s from the war yrs.
Fantastic,Why not between yourselves create MILITARIA thread.I am confident that you will get a great deal of interest.Would be a real shame to hide away the itmes you have and also it could be a mark of respect to the people who wore the uniforms,hats and badges you pocess.
In 1935 Stanley Baldwin the then Prime Minister ordered all local authorities to plan to protect their areas in the event of war. It was in 1937 that the Air Raid Precaution Warden's service came in to being. The role of the ARP was set out by the government in a Air Raid Precaution publication and distributed nationally in 1938. Some of their duties was the sounding the air raid sirens at the beginning and at the end of the raid. Clearing the area to a 600 yard radius of a unexploded bomb and were responsible for making sure people had gas masks with them.
Last edited by bert1; 21st Dec 20088:50pm.
God help us, Come yourself, Don't send Jesus, This is no place for children.
I have posted this video on bombed birkenhead thread,Bert thought it would also be apt on here as he rightly pointed out the fact that the civil defence in action at Harrison drive.