Woke up in the middle of the night, it's getting bad. Livingstone street up towards Duke St and there was a shop on the corner. Then there was a couple of houses and a wood yard, not as big as the Marchbanks one on Price Street. There were a few more houses and then a Birkenhead Corporation Depot, another one, I can remember pig swill wagons going in there and there was a big chimney stack at the far end. The wagons used to go up a long ramp to do whatever they did up there. I think it was then the North Star and some big houses the rest of the way up. I left B'head when I was 15 so trying to think back 50 odd years, it's difficult but it is certainly exercising my mind, obviously.
When I lived in the avenues our next door neighbour used to work at that co-op depot. He used to look after the horses that were kept there up until the 50s. The horse used to pull the bread vans and milk carts.
There was a Co-op depot right opposite Old Bidston Rd,Maddock st ran down the side of it.If you look at the ariel pics on google maps the building with roof is still there,if you go on street view it's just a very big concrete yard.It is listed/signed as Reynolds timber yard on the Ariel view.
I know it was there for sure because my Dad used to drive a truck out of there and supply various Co-op shops in Cheshire,my brother and I spent many days of our schools hols with him in the '70's.