It was certainly there in the 1940s..I perched on it as best I could, because it slopes each side, is highly polished and has a large crack along the top, if I remember rightly! It was useful for sheltering from the rain until the bus came!
I'd guess it was put there at the time the houses and shops were built, perhaps the 1930s. The big houses on the south side of The Wiend were earlier and built for managers at Lever's. The buses in those days were the 50 to Spital Crossroads and 58 to Clatterbridge from Woodside, 'via Old Chester Road', every 10 minutes, too. The smartest buses ever, in my opinion!
Last edited by bri445; 22nd Feb 20101:53pm. Reason: Pic added
ah yes,i remember those bus's! used to jump off just before it got to the stop....well....i was in my teens at the time!!!!
Originally Posted by bri445
I'd guess it was put there at the time the houses and shops were built, perhaps the 1930s. The big houses on the south side of The Wiend were earlier and built for managers at Lever's. The buses in those days were the 50 to Spital Crossroads and 58 to Clatterbridge from Woodside, 'via Old Chester Road', every 10 minutes, too. The smartest buses ever, in my opinion!
I remember the seat at the wiend and the butcher's shop run by my mum's cousin's husband, Frank Whieldon.
The first bus I went on alone was the 58; my mother sent me to my aunt's in Stanton Road on a message and she told me not to get up until the bus stopped. My aunt gave me a pan of stew to carry back on the bus and because I didn't get up from my seat and ring the bell the bus carried me on to Bebington Station and I had to walk up Wellington Road to the top of Acres Road; there was not much stew left in the pot by the time I got back. I was about eight years old I think.