HI, The "HAND" on the bus goes round and round and round round and round, well the PROJECT MARADONA hand is still going round on the outside back tyre of the number 1 bus!. Where it gets off know body knows??, oh and it was the cleaners who left the door open with a fire extinguisher, thats how the dog got in at the science building. cheers mike...ann..x.
HI folks, im sorry that ive been messing about with the m.a.r and the m.a.m railway layouts!, first i was building it then i wasn,t then selling it etc etc. Well today i found out where i stand in my life for the next aprox 14 months, thats why as well as my health issues there was also financial issues SO i was not sure about the future in building the model railway and the MAD stories? i wright.But I know NOW where i stand. So today ann helped me paint the road on the new m.a.r layout and i blew the dust off the storage boxes then we tested the track and yes we have success the layout is alive, and also my two new vehicles came today. one i got a rusty 1950 chevrolet pick up 3100 and another vehicle that wiki member yewgarth got for me {cheers bud} a red VW camper bus. OH some kind soul has found the PROJECT MARADONA HAND and returned it to DR GUNTER FRANKINSTINES science building they slipped it under the front door as was FLAT as a pancake!..choo choo for noo mike...ann..X..
Last edited by mikethetrainman; 25th Nov 20115:11pm.
HELLO everyone, i would like to say a BIG THANK YOU to wiki member maisie who had some spare model railway track and she asked me would i be interested in! it for the m.a.railway. Well what can i say, this will replace most of the track thats already put down on the m.a.r that was a bit rusty. Thank you again maisie your a diamond!...Well as for the "PROJECT MARADONA" HAND that was flat after been around the Number 1 bus tyre a few times,DR GUNTER FRANKINSTIN is about too stick an air line into the hand to blow it back into shape?. choo choo for noo...mike...ann..X..
HI everyone, Imagine the seen a pool of scientists gathered around a small laboratory table, and at the head of the table is DR HEIR GUNTER FRANKINSTINE. Who is about to insert an air line into the "PROJECT MARADONA" HAND that was flattend by the number 1 bus tyre. Well underdog DR DOR MATT was waiting to turn the valve on for the air line, well DR HEIR FRANKINSTIN inserted the line in and told DR MATT to turn the valve on. HISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS the HAND started to fill up very very very slowly? un das hand das un slow puff?, NINE NINE NINE! das foot on das line dumbkoff! HEIR MATT! so DR MATT took his foot off the air line!. Well the HAND suddenly inflated to an enormous size AND BANG IT BURST the consequences where very very grave for all! no one stood a chance!. finger one got stuck up DR FRANKINSTINES nose, finger two shot across the room and hit loveley lady assistant DR FEELGOOD square/right up the rear blowhole as she was stood over a table filling some specimen jars!. The thumb of the HAND went through a window then shot through another window which was the mens toilet block hit the inside door toilet door just as DR I CRAPP was flushing the loo and the thumb went down the pan! never to be seen again!. The third finger shot through the roof and a passing seagull grabbed it and flew off into the wild blue yonder!.Well after all this carnage all that was LEFT was the HANDS little pinky....choo choo for noo mike...ann..x. OH i just wish to say thanks to ann who helps me with some of the spellings on these stories. cheers ann.X..X.
Last edited by mikethetrainman; 27th Nov 201110:42pm.
Well hello everyone, its been a bit sort of busy? at the m.a.r railway, WELL FOLKS as you all know its been on and off this project so as i have been thinking about a name for this m.a.r railway town? I thought about all you nice people on WIKIWIRRAL [and further afield], with the words of support and help to me and putting up with me as well and everyone for reading my mad stories and the progress of the m.a.r . Well i like to say a big "THANK YOU TO YOU ALL" give your selves a pat on the back! NOW i thought of a name for the m.a.r. railway it is now called "WIKIWOOD" its not quite a tinsel town but will be just as MAD! as one!.So welcome everyone to "WIKIWOOD", now ive enclosed a few pictures to show roughly/draft how it will look because i will need to make a complete new ROBBO,S tunnel which the better white letters will be.And also there,s construction of the station roof all the old favourites will be on WIKIWOOD town!. OH thanks again maisie i have used all the new track i got off you so the engines run a lot better now, and also WIKIWOOD towns science boffin DR GUNTA FRANKINSTINE is sill thinking about what to do with the little pinky that,s left from the PROJACT MARADONA HAND explosion.so choo choo for noo from WIKIWOOD town mike...ann..X. p.s bert/pinz your shops are back on!.
Last edited by mikethetrainman; 1st Dec 20111:24pm.