HELLO from wikiwood, well last night DR GUNTA FRANKINSTINE and the wikiwood science team have managed to fix the project maradona hand, BUT its now called HANDY ANDY MK.1. Because all they managed to grow from a finger is another hand! that was left over from the air line explosion a while back, the hand was grown in a special METABOLIC STEROID ENHANCING OVEN.So HANDY ANDY MK.1 has a p.p.3 9 volt battery to power him extra metal strength fingers [seven fingers something went wrong in the oven it was left on to long!!] two machine guns one in the little finger and one in the thumb rockets in the middle finger a small jet pack fingernails he can grow long to claw and his special talent he has the SLAPPING force of 1 TON! .The science team had to throw ANDY HANY MK.1 together fast as wikiwood police informed DR FRANKINSTINE a battle was due over the wirral tonight 24/25th with a guy in a red suit and MAD martha tattyknickers!. God help us! choo choo for nooo...mike..X...ann...X.
Hi Mike & Ann. Thanks again for a nice evening hope to hear more of the major battle in wikiland just hope MAD martha tattynickers does,nt get them in a twist have great Christmas Grace & 00 9f.
WELL hello from wikiwood, picture the scene, Above the wirral tonight a guy in a red suit with reindeer flying across the night sky over the wirral delivering presents to all the children. There he,s is minding his own buisness flying along with christmas joy in his heart when closing in fast on his tail is an unidentified object!, OH NO its MAD martha tattyknickers!! she,s been hiding as a three car train sitting in a siding at bidston station waiting for the right moment to strike fear into the good people of wikiwirral!.MAD martha wanted to seek revenge for all the ill,s that has happened to her over this past year, so attacking santa was the right moment! well anyway there she is closing in fast on poor old santa! but luckly enough ruddolf the front boss reindeer spotted MAD martha tattyknickers and before she opened her machine guns he inflated his big red magic nose and the bullets bounced off!.And as she over shot santa MAD martha tattyknickers but she did not notice a small unidentified hand closing in fast on her!YES it was HANDY ANDY MK.1 come to save santa HURRAH!. Well ANDY let rip a short burst of machine gun bullets which caught MAD martha tattyknickers down the a seam of her knickers! good shot shouted santa thank goodness DR FRANKINSTINE sent you to help me!.MAD martha tattyknickers managed to pull herself together and fired a rocket into poor HANDY ANDY MK.1 and he spun off, then turned around again and started flying towards poor old santa and just as she was about to suck santa and the reindeers into her horrible hole SHE got a RIGHT GOOD SLAP on her left cheek from HANDY ANDY MK.1 who managed to regain himself after the nasty rocket attack! good job he had metal fingers!. Well MAD martha tattyknickers was knocked across the sky about 80 mile,s to be exact! with the equivalent force of a 1 ton slap from ANDY MK.1 HURRAH!.So santa and HANDY ANDY MK.1 flew side by side congratulating each other on a job well done WHEN a furious [ and i mean furious] MAD martha tattyknickers come screaming down on them both with all guns and rockets blazing!. What a palavour is this the END? for good old SANTA?! HELL NO! MAD martha tattyknickers misjudged the firing range and her bullets and rockets over shot and missed santa HURRAH!. And as MAD martha tattyknickers the alien frilly bandit flew underneath the sleigh and reindeers ruddolf and the other reindeers dropped their sh*t bombs and wee wee onto MAD martha! it went all in her hair and down her face and in her knickers [no way she will get these stains OUT] it bloody STUNK!.In the mean time HANDY ANDY MK.1 shot up towards outer space to so he could come back down with speed to give MAD martha the final killer slap but as he got into outer space his battery ran out [ it was a cheap one £1.00, from bargainland cut backs you see ]so HANDY ANDY MK.1 could not get back down to earth! he,s still up there waving! OH NO. Well as MAD martha wiped the sh*t from her eye,s and with rage she musted all her strength in one final swoop on poor old santa closing in fast and with the horrible hole opening up santa threw a christmas present into her horrible hole!, WELL what happened next she stopped suddenly sort of moaned and exploded into a thousand bits!. The christmas present santa threw into MAD martha was FULL of christmas joy, cheer, love ,happiness , goodness , peace all nice christmas things and with MAD martha tattyknickers being an evil madam it killed her stone dead HURRAH HURRAH HURRAH !!. AND happily santa will finish delivering all the childrens presents tonight!. A VERY VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS TO EVERYONE ON THE WIRRAL AND EVERYWHERE AND TO ALL A GOODNIGHT FROM MIKE X.X...ANN X.X...AND ALL THE GANG AT WIKIWOOD...
HI, everyone a few pictures from the wikiwood town and the m.a.r railway company to say a very merry christmas and a happy new year to all our fan,s X.
I know its the wrong post but our birds would like to also wish you ALL a very merry christmas as well [ well they like to fly into the layout room and watch me build wikiwood ] they are L/R sunny,kiki,robbie,and charlie and little canary holly. XXXXX.
Hello folks, well the good news! me and ann have managed to get the first wikiwood overhead railway train running tonight so now wikiwood town has three working tracks!. I tell you after the first collapse of the W.O.R i thought it might not work?! BUT it has, so all i have to make is a three car overhead train out of balsa and a donated hornby chassis and two hornby coaches "up and onwards i say"...The sky,s the limit...reach for the sky...is it a plane? is it a balloon? NO its the 21:30 hours overhead train to wikiwood townland! [and blast ive missed it! ].choo choo for noooo. mike...ann..x..
Hello from wikiwood, well tonight i did a few more train test runs just to make sure it wasn,t just luck that it worked first time last night!. And yes its working fine i got a bit more balsa today to finish off the corners of the overhead track base so its now done,just got to make the up stairs overhead station and finish off the down stairs station. Also after the holidays i,ll get some more balsa sheets to start making the overhead 3 car railcar iv,e just got to draw a few plans for me to make it a simple easy construction, plus a small tin of varnish for the railcar, small test pots of paint for the overhead track base, some brushes, well bits an pieces?. So cheers for now mike...ann..x.
Will do,Cheers tombraider take care and everyone else, mike..X..ann..x. P.S oh i will have to think up some new MAD characters?? who will be living in "WIKIWOOD TOWN".X.
hello folks from wikiwood, well last night after i finished the overhead part i cleaned/tidied all the bits and pieces off the layout so i could get a good minds eye of the rest of building wikiwood. We went and got a few bits today pot paints X.3/brushes all for the overhead part so we will do it soon?. choo choo for noooo. mike...ann..x.. here is some photo,s .
Here,s some more photo,s, as you can see its coming on fine i got one of my articulated lorries out of stores yesterday to see if ive got enough room for it?...take care everyone cheers mike...ann..x. the blare of trains in the photo,s are the trains working but the camera lens couldn,t keep up with the movement.
Last edited by mikethetrainman; 30th Dec 20115:52pm.
HI, everyone A HAPPY NEW YEAR to you from "wikiwood town" and me..X and ann..X thanks for your support and viewings this last year, HOPE to see you all next year cheers!.choo choo for nooo. mike...x..ann....x