Hi everyone, well a kind person dave [thanks dave] has donated to me a 5.1/2 X 3.1/2 foot base board and some OO items to go on it, SO as well making "wikiwood town" i will do a double OO layout as well. I have not thought of a name yet? but im sure i can think of one?! im thinking of putting it under the wikiwood layout? but i will have to get the crap from under it first!.cheers for now mike...ann...x..
Last edited by mikethetrainman; 7th Jan 20125:24pm.
Hello everyone, well me and ann managed to get over today and see the liverpool museum with the liverpool overhead railway car on display, we took some good pictures to help me in the making of the "wikiwood overhead railway".
Hello everyone, well the first two blood/custard coaches were no good as the sides and base are all in one piece and i need the coach chassis to seperate from the body sides. So we went to birkenhead market to pete,s collecting stall and i got another two second hand coaches from the bargain box he has. I got another blood/custard and a l.m.s dinning coach, OH! and after all the messing about i can still only use one of the second coaches the blood/custard one as the chassis comes away from the body BUT the l.m.s coach is all one piece! what a pain.SO now the overhead railcar will be a two car train!! as i carn,t be bothered to look around model shops for more second coaches.Then got some more balsa for the coach sides ETC,so hopefully i,ll start making the "wikiwood overhead railcar" soon?. mike...x...ann...x..
Hello everyone ive just put another u-tube video on i still dont? know how link from here to the u-tube so you will have to go into the first video then into the third. take care mike..x....ann...x..
HI everyone, well a few more photo,s of the "wikiwood town" overhead coach/railcar, its building up nicely as i,ve learnt from building the first other coach/railcar, Plus its a bit like building a real coach/railcar first the chassis then the frames then the skin then the interior and hey presto a GN15 1/24th scale model "wikiwood" coach/railcar. I,ve also managed to get a few more double OO item,s for the other layout.Well choo choo for noooo....mike...ann...x...
HI folks, well a bit more of the railcar done, station master mr.martin has been promoted to the railcar driver now. And me and ann went to moreton today and i got a few more double OO vehicles for the other layout and another motorbike for "wikiwood town".cheers mike...ann...x.