Hello everyone, I'm not actually new to the forum but this is my first time posting. I've read posts keenly since about 2010.
Started this thread as I was interested in the past of Bidston Court Gardens (known locally as the mops...

) I found an abandoned house to the east of the gardens (up towards - and exiting on - Vyner road, aside from a few walls built by the council, presumably) and after little research discovered it to be the lodge belonging to the old manor which is now located at Royden Park as the Hillbark hotel. I posted this in the urban exploration section of the forum as I was wondering if anyone had ever been inside or ever thought about going inside the lodge. It's been vacant for a number of years (apparently) so there's a good chance of some history in there, especially due to it's ties with the Hillbark which moved close to 100 years ago. Yet, it is locked up good. A friend of mine got in through a hole in the roof a while ago, but it was dark so he didn't explore much.
Aside from that, I was also interested if anyone had any knowledge of history that still lies around that area (including Bidston Hill itself!) that can be explored. Aside from the caves, which are pretty much a no go since the council blocked those places up a year or two ago...

Any info just post! I know there's a lot of heritage up those ways
I have some pictures of the 'lodge' which I'll post in this thread. If anyone knows any history of the place let me know as it interests me!

also couldn't find any threads that had been posted about this place, so sorry if it's a repost. Cheers everyone!