If you follow Corporation Road, with your eye, the third turning on the right leads into the top end of Cleveland Street. There are a little row of houses in that part of Cleveland Street which were demolished years ago. I was born in one of those houses. How close we lived to the Birkenhead Docks. We used to listen to the cattle and sheep being taken to the Lairage by railway carriage of a night.
Just opposite to the field, which was the venue in the fifties for many returning circuses(we always got free tickets) us lads used to play cricket on the field all day and evening during the long hot summers. But those house were bloody freezing in the winter. My dad used to say: "we don't need a fridge, we've got a parlour."
One of my mums relatives lived in the dock cottages he work as a railway worker,He went on to better thing and end up retiring early...One of a few who made it back in them days...
Actually, looking along Corporation Road and just before the first turning on the right, that is the spot where the Canadian actor Bonar Colleano was killed in a car accident one night, back in the sixties. He was with another actor called Paul Carpenter. They both featured in B movies and lots of TV half-hour detective series. My dad used to call them the epsom salt's series. Because everybody ended up running after each other at the end the episode. You know, like as if they all had the trots. Lol!