I remember everything about it apart from the pitches, the dark patch on the playground was for rounders, the end of that playground had a netball court marked out for the girls, we used to use it as a football pitch during dinner time.
God help us, Come yourself, Don't send Jesus, This is no place for children.
@alonso, here a few from the Cleveland and Price St area. There is no photographs from Cleveland and Price street specifically but I think you should enjoy these ones. Let me know if this isn't what you were looking for.
@atw1960 After a bit of a mission finding it, I found one! A picture of the Ford farms! Only problem is, can't pinpoint the location. It says there is now a few shops on the site, but, it says this farm was on the ford side (as opposed to the upton station side.) Any thoughts?
@kamikazi & @joney - There wasn't one photo of Mount Rd or Exmouth Street. (Surprising about that really!) Sorry I couldn't help. Any other places?
Fantastic photos johnsonjl its good of you to share these.I am sure it is greatly appreciated by all wikiwirral members,I think you are going to be very busy on here for a while.
@cathcart - I've found some around Argyle Street, posted below! Couldn't find any on the exact streets you stated I'm afraid. Hope you like these.
@surykata - I'm sure I will be quite busy for a while, there's hundreds of 'em! Nah, it's brilliant I enjoy sharing them, I'm glad everyone likes them.
your photo of victoria street 1954 and your ? regarding the horse and cart. Quite a few delivery trades where still using the horse and cart in the first half of the 50s. coal men arround the town where one and various ones fetching and carrying stuff in and out of the docks
Ships that pass in the night, seldom seen and soon forgoten
@norton, you're 100% correct, and I have no idea why I posted it as that! The caption doesn't even appear on the same page. How do you re-caption photos? On that note, I'm thinking about making another thread for war photo's or posting those in an already existing one. What's the location you wanted to ask about? - J
Thanks J. I don't think you can re-edit a caption, even in the few minutes after posting that the system allows you to edit the text. Most people seem to post it again, with the correct text, or add it to a more appropriate existing thread, or start a new post altogether.
As to a picture request, well, there are lots of pubs that I am sure people would like to see, so perhaps you should compile a list first, and put it on the Wirral Pubs list.
The area that I was thinking of was along Borough Road, Birkenhead. There are some pictures on this site of Central Station, the old Fire Station and Central Library with a few others inbetween.
Basically, have you got anything along Borough Rd that has since been demolished as a result of the flyovers and road widening in the area from Central Station to say Brattan Road (Christ Church / Claughton Higher Grange School)? This could be anything from the shops opposite the school, Balls Rd East junction and the shops down past The Happy Valley, the printers, Lee Fong Chinese Laundry, Taylors Villas, Simisters and Turners car and bike shops, Quarry Bank and down to Whetstone Lane. Then working our way back down, there were all the little shops and houses on the corners of the likes of Vincent St, Nelson St etc.and the Woodlands School on the opposite side.
It's probably only two thirds of a mile of road, but it's not there now. With so many people passing each day, any new photo's should bring back a lot of memories for people like myself.
Thanks again. Now you know why I said I would wait!!.