My mum worked in Dudgeon's Dairy, Grange Road West, which later became Reeces. Reeces moved the dairy business up the road, past Grange Mount Hospital and concentrated on the bakery side. Hursts in Claughton Road, that was on the corner of Parkfield Avenue - I worked there for a while in the late 1950's when the Hurst family still had it. I well remember cycling to work and smelling the fresh bread from the other end of the road... mmmmm... lovely! I can't remember the toy shop, but there was a ladies clothes shop which used to have corsets hanging on brackets down the sides of the windows LOL. Another shop there was Tutty's, it was a brilliant chandlers - they had absolutely everything you could think of! No supermarkets then - Happy days!
My grandfather - who I never knew - worked in a greengrocers on Grange Road West - not sure exactly when, possibly 40s or 50s. He lived in Westbourne Road and the surname was Jones. I wonder if it's possible to work out which greengrocers it was? Incidentally, if anyone has any photos of the houses in Westbourne Road that were demolished in approx. 1973 to make way for the church it would be great to see them.
At this location, where Bargain Booze now is, at the corner of Grange Rd. West and Eastbourne Rd. there used to be a fishmonger. My gran, who lived in Windsor St. (between Oxton Rd. and Westbourne Rd., now a car park) used to take me there and she would buy a cod steak, about an inch thick, which she would then coat in seasoned breadcrumbs and pan fry in dripping. It was great. The cod these days are usually too small to get a steak out of. She used to say never to buy fish on a Monday; it had been in the shop too long. Better to buy on a Friday when the fishmongers got fresh stocks in for the Catholics.
From the nearest visible number, Bargain Booze must be 54, Grange Rd West. The businesses certainly had longevity in GRW, from at least 1906 to 1967 a Mr William Amery was a fish and game dealer. The building in 1906 carried the address, 54 Regent Place, Grange Rd West. Wondering if the building has any history?
Last edited by bert1; 3rd Jun 201312:27pm.
God help us, Come yourself, Don't send Jesus, This is no place for children.
Thanks, Bert. It must have been Amery's. I'm pretty sure Bargain Booze now occupies 54 and 56. I can't remember what the end shop, No.56, was. Erainn, I remember it in the 1940's/early 50's.