Some great sites for information and even a Live Feed from the station its self. (Main Live Feed from the ISS) (Track the Station as it Orbits Earth) (Time line of astronauts doings, what there doing and console views from Kennedy Space Center)
If your the fortunate one who has a Radio Scanner these frequencies might help you catch the station speaking to Amateur Radio Operators if they have spare time. Its very rare but it may be good to listen while it passes over head.
Amateur Radio Frequencies (Note: Only one mode active at a time)
FM VOICE for ITU Region 1: Europe-Middle East-Africa-North Asia
Downlink 145.800
Uplink 145.200
FM VOICE for ITU Region 2&3: North and South America-Caribbean-Greenland-Australia-South Asia
Downlink 145.800
Uplink 144.490
FM U/v VOICE Repeater (Worldwide)
Downlink 145.800
Uplink 437.800
FM V/u with PL VOICE Repeater (Worldwide)
Downlink 437.800
Uplink 145.990 with 67.0 PL
FM L/v VOICE Repeater (Worldwide)
Downlink 145.800
Uplink 1269.650
AX.25 1200 Bd AFSK Packet Radio (Worldwide)
Downlink 145.825
Uplink 145.825
FM SSTV downlink (Worldwide)
Downlink 145.800
UHF Simplex (rarely used)
Downlink 437.550
Uplink 437.550
Other Frequencies
121.125 FM
RS EVA from Orlan suit
121.75 FM
Down link from Soyuz-TM (voice). RS EVA from Orlan suit. Soyuz VHF-2. Progress Telemetry.
130.167 AM
VHF-2 Down link from Zarya (Service Module). RS EVA to Orlan suits
143.625 FM
VHF-1 down link. Main Russian communications channel. Often active over Moscow You can hear air to ground conversations in Russian. Sometimes English when US crews talk to their NASA representative in Star City.