At Queen Elizabeth Courts, 1pm on Saturday 27th July 2013.
You are invited to be a part of history and attend a demonstration that will see everybody who opposes the cuts descending on to Liverpool town centre. This is our opportunity to come together from all over the UK, whether you are a bedroom tax group, a pensioners group, a union branch, an anti cuts group or an individual who has enough of life and the austerity measures that have been put in place by Etonian elite and carried out locally.
The reality of the cuts is starting to hit and we are only 20% thro...ugh them, there is nobody that this does not effect unless you are a millionaire! The TUC is sitting on its hands after calling marches in London and is still considering the merits of a general strike over austerity, whilst applauding other countries who's working class people have taken to the streets in huge numbers whilst our own country is on its knees. Its up to everybody to take ownership, get involved and send a clear message out, we will not wait for somebody else to organise it on our behalf, we the working class people will lead by example and show those with power what the feeling is and what is required.
This is not about Bootle, not about Sefton, not about Liverpool this is about all those working class towns and cities up and down the country being held responsible and wherever you are in the UK you are invited to join us, for one day to make the point that ENUF is ENUF!!!
Bob Crow, Tony Mulhearn and Sheila Coleman are confirmed as a speakers.
A steel drum band will be playing and we are in discussion with other bands!
If you think it has nothing to do with you or you can't be bothered then take some time and read this.
Under the Tories homelessness has shot up 31%. Tory boasts that they would turn Britain into a “tax haven” have come to pass, at least for the rich with tax avoidance now at a all time high. To many of the jobs created under the Tories have been part time. Evidence shows that record numbers of those in work want extra hours but cannot get them. There are now 600,000 less public sector workers than there was when the Tories came to power. The Universal Benefit Payment has forced families to move into squalid housing, typically defined as the lowest 33% of houses by rental value in an area. Given that 46% of private rental homes are deemed sub-standard, (ONS). The UK Statistics Authority has rebuked David Cameron Fuckwitted Pob lookalike Michael Gove and Iain Duncan Smith for their consistent misuse of government statistics. The Tory Work Programme has delivered just a 2% success rate, after they ignored NAO warnings it was a waste of money. The Tories will cut Corporation Tax (profit tax) by 25%, from levels of 28% to 21%. This is at the same time as scrapping Child Benefit for some earners and cutting Child Tax Credits The Tories spent nearly 3 years demonising benefit claimants with their “curtain pulling” stigma, even though £66bn goes unclaimed every Parliament in benefits. The Tories failed to make permanent the Bankers’ Bonus Tax and profiteers in the City of London are still being rewarded, disproportionately, for taking unnecessary risks and they have also refused to cap bankers bonuses. The Tories showed no sympathy for the families suffering from Child Benefit Cuts. One Tory MP labelled mothers complaining about losing Child Benefit as engaging in “fiscal nimbyism” and urged them to live within their means. The Tories refused to regulate the Fast Food industry. Instead, they asked their nudge unit to consider “fat taxes” on the poor. They even stopped obsese people having access to some NHS operations. Unashamed of their deeds, one Tory MP said NHS Patients should pay for their medicines if they contract illnesses through “Lifestyle Choice”. The Tories launched a war on women, by cutting Tax Credits and accusing feminism of holding back men. The Tories have wasted more than £90 billion of taxpayers’ cash. The Tories have increasingly refused Freedom of Information Requests, and have changed the rules to make it easier for an FOI request to be refused. The Tories have axed 5,000 Fire men & Fire women. The Tories have axed 28,000 staff in Police Forces throughout the country. The Tories have accepted £20 million of donations from people who have directly benefitted from their policies. The blame lies not with the donors, but the Tories for creating unnecessary conflicts of interest by accepting the cash. The Tories have abolished Remploy, and sacked 5,000 disabled workers in one day. Oblivious to the sensitivities of what they were doing, the workers were formally sacked on international day for disabled people. The Tories scrapped the 50p Rate of Tax, and in doing so have given a tax cut to millionaires. The Tories admit they will now have to borrow well over a £150 billion extra this parliament because of their failed growth. That figure has since grown again. The plans announced to halt teachers automatic progression through the Main Pay Scale could end up costing teachers up to £10,000. There are real fears among Unions that these plans amount to pay freezes through the back door. The numbers of workers not even being paid the National Minimum Wage has grown under this government, with women being the worst affected. The numbers of homes built under the Tories are at levels lower than any time since the Second World War. The numbers applying to go to university have declined 2 years running, this year by 6% alone. These are dangerous times, where aspiration for educational advancement is becoming unfulfilled. The number of working households now relying on Housing Benefit to make their rent payments has doubled. The number of families on housing waiting lists is now at a record high, after Grant Shapps failed to solve the lack of affordable housing supply. The NHS is wasting more money than ever before. Agency Spend among Foundation Trusts has climbed 50%. We are now paying private consultancies hundreds of millions to assist the new CCGs, to audit accounts, and to report on the future viability of NHS Trusts. The government have still failed to tackle payday loan companies, leaving it to crusading backbench MPs to campaign for. The government blamed the poor for being unemployed as unemployment stayed stubbornly above 2.4 million. One Tory MP even accused the unemployed of playing the system and warned of a “rude awakening” as unemployment reached 2.5million. The average NHS worker has had a real terms pay cut of £1,600 due to George Gideon Oliver Osborne, son of Sir Peter Osborne, 17th Baronet of Ballentaylor and Ballylemon and Felicity Alexandra Loxton-Peacock, educated at St. Paul's and Magdalen College, Oxford’s pay freeze. Suicide Rates have begun to rise again. Staff Cuts: 85,000 less people are employed by the state in Health & Social Care. 42,000 less are employed in the actual NHS. Rail Fares have risen more than 20% since the Tories came to power and energy bills are not far behind. Privatisation: £7bn worth of the NHS has been privatised and 90% of it has been handed to a tiny number of companies. Private landlords are recouping a record amount of £42bn a year from tenants, yet the Tories only answer was to cap housing benefit, instead of capping private rents. Personal debt continues to rocket while George Gideon Oliver Osborne, son of Sir Peter Osborne, 17th Baronet of Ballentaylor and Ballylemon and Felicity Alexandra Loxton-Peacock, educated at St. Paul's and Magdalen College, Oxford shifts the bankers debt from the state to us. Patient Satisfaction: When Labour left office NHS Patient Satisfaction was the highest it had ever been (73%). It has since taken a record slump to (58%). Just over half of people are now happy with what the NHS has to offer. Parents, pupils and teachers did not want academy status for their schools, but Fuckwitted Pob lookalike Michael Gove has ignored local democracy and forced academisation upon them. Our NHS Foundation Trusts are facing increasing economic instability. In total, 7 NHS Trusts face ‘hit squads’. The NAO concluded that PFI was not the main cause. In fact, rising spend on Agency Staff as a result of Lansley’s recruitment freeze was the main reason. Of the top 10 private health companies in the UK, who have all seen their business blossom under the Tories, there have been 100+ Care Quality Commission Inspections on their premises in 2012 which have reported shortcomings at their sites. No 2 local NHS areas in 2012 offer the same health entitlement. North Yorkshire patients, for example, are losing their right to follow up appointments and health visitors as £10m of cuts are being made to local services. Children’s rights to expensive cancer drugs now vary from trust to trust. NHS Treatments such as cataracts, hip replacements are no longer available free of charge on the NHS in some parts of England for some patients. In total, 22 Treatments are now restricted. Nearly 8,000 Nurses have been axed under the Tories and thousands more have received redundancy notices. More than 400 Sure Start Children Centres have now been shut under the Tories, this from a party who promised not only to protect them but to extend them. £1.3 trillion of damage has been done to economy through lost growth & ballooning debt and misspent money. Fuckwitted Pob lookalike Michael Gove scrapped EMA that the Institute of Fiscal Studies called Value for Money. His decision was not based upon the deficit since he first sought to scrap it in 2004. Fuckwitted Pob lookalike Michael Gove has left Britain with the most over-crowded classrooms in Europe. Fuckwitted Pob lookalike Michael Gove has cherry picked the best schools for “converter” academy status, the schools with poorer OFSTED records have been held up in their applications. Fuckwitted Pob lookalike Michael Gove has actually closed more than 200 schools at a time when class sizes are rising. Fuckwitted Pob lookalike Michael Gove halved the funding on school meals after which Jamie Oliver attacked him for decreasing the quality & health of children’s nutrition. Fuckwitted Pob lookalike Michael Gove cut £860m from the Children & Families budget and used it to bribe schools to switch to academy or free school status. Fuckwitted Pob lookalike Michael Gove cancelled Labour’s plan to roll out free school meals for middle-class families at a time when evidence shows more families are in desperate need of the meals. Just 454 Affordable Homes were built a 6 months spell under Grant Shapps, as reported by the ONS in November 2011. This was a 97% decrease. Jeremy Hunt has ordered every Primary Care Trust in England to put 3 further chunks of its NHS out to tender under AQP by September 2013. This follows on from the 456 forced tenders this year. In total, 912 pieces of our primary NHS services are being flogged. Infant mortality rates have started to rise again after a long period of them failing. In Sheffield elderly patients have to pay £5-17 for foot treatment. For a time Sheffield was also charging patients £25 for whiplash tests. In the East of England major health providers are limiting courses of physiotherapy treatment. In each of the 2 years of Tory Rule, private rents have grown by more than 4%. Ian Duncan Smith is forcing public sector workers to accept a 3% tax hike in their pension contributions against their will or any proper consultation. Iain Duncan-Smith penned one of the most heartless letters I have ever read to the family of a suicide victim caused by his policies. The government have been slammed by the leading experts in the Housing Profession who published a Housing Report concluding that the Tories, and in particular Grant Shapps as Housing Minister, were failing tenants. Half of England’s Ambulance Stations are being shut down and sold off. In total, 591 hectares of NHS land is up for sale. Gove now famously refused to discuss Ofqual’s letter of concerns about the E-Bacc in front of the Select Committee. The one-off 3 hour replacement of GCSE English has been labelled dangerous, unequal, unaccountable and unprecedented. George Gideon Oliver Osborne, son of Sir Peter Osborne, 17th Baronet of Ballentaylor and Ballylemon and Felicity Alexandra Loxton-Peacock, educated at St. Paul's and Magdalen College, Oxford signed a record number of PFI deals in his first year in power that will cost the Tax Payer £33bn. George Gideon Oliver Osborne, son of Sir Peter Osborne, 17th Baronet of Ballentaylor and Ballylemon and Felicity Alexandra Loxton-Peacock, educated at St. Paul's and Magdalen College, Oxford raised an extra £41bn in taxes in 2011 at a time when the economy was struggling but cut taxes for the rich. Gas Prices are up 31% under the Tories & 40% of families are on the brink of fuel poverty. Food Banks have grown every year of this Tory government and Child poverty has also increased. The Tories have responded in various ways from trying to claim this as a success of the Big Society, to denying poverty even exists in the UK. Female rates of redundancy are climbing at a faster rate than men. More than 80%+ of workers losing their job in the NHS are women. Huge wage differentials still exist between men and women. Despite violence against women climbing, and domestic abuse jumping 20%, one Tory MP drew parallels between the allegations of sex crimes, and smoking a joint. Despite having the consultation period required for redundancy notice halving from 90 to 45 days, the Tories persisted with blaming workers for their declining rights. One Tory MP cruelly judged that British Workers were among the ‘Worst idlers’ in the World. David Cameron has now abolished Equality Impact Assessments thus guaranteeing less equal services for disabled, elderly, LGBT, and BAME voters. Fuckwitted Pob lookalike Michael Gove cancelled a plan to rebuild 715 crumbling schools thereby ensuring that all Labour’s great advancements in updating our school infrastructure were put on hold. 10% of A & E Wards are shutting. Dozens of District General Hospitals are facing downgrade or closure. Chris Skidmore co-authored a book that labelled UK workers among the most “idle” in the world. He called for Unemployment payments to be repayable loans, and proposed that benefits such as tax credits and child benefit be capped to just two children. Chris Grayling forced 350,000 young person’s (50,000 of who are disabled)to work unpaid for multi-national firms. Cameron has spent 3 years bullying, mocking & insulting women, disabled & the elderly. At least 570,000 more households (1.2 million people) were forced into fuel poverty in one single day when energy companies announced a masive price hike in the winter of 2012. As a portion of GDP UK state spending in Education is set to fall far behind the USA making us more neo-liberal than the state we love to mock for its laissez-faire approach. Andrew Lansley & David Cameron ignored a Tribunal Ruling to publish Risk Register.This Risk Register if published could have saved lives as it would have led to an improved mitigation response to the Tories new NHS impositions. After mucking up the security arrangements for the Olympics, and wasting taxpayers’ money in still paying a company £80 million+ for failure, a Tory MP had the audacity to mock the Olympic Ceremony as Leftie Multi-Cultural Crap.It has also come to light that the same security company G4 has been robbing the tax payer blind in what is now a police investigation. According to the UK Statistics Authority, the Tory Manifesto Commitment on page 45 has been broken. There has not been a year on year increase in NHS spending in real terms as promised. According to the National Audit Office, Gove has overspent by £1 billion on his Free School & mass academisation experiment. Gove is making up the shortfall by taking £1bn cash from state school children. A&E Waiting Times at 8 year high. Things have not been this bad since 2004. A proliferation of the same fast food premises in and around schools mark this a sorry year for those trying to improve school food standards. A Bedroom Tax on families with wounded soldiers, disabled or elderly who require extra space for their treatment is callous. A 20% VAT rate has added 0.7% to inflation that reached 5% in 2011 while wages grew at less than half rate. This had a dramatic effect on the misery index. 95 Academy & Free School bosses now earn more than MPs & up to £300,000 a year. 74% of GPs say that there has been a reduced entitlement on the NHS this year. 600,000 people will go bankrupt under this government. 250,000 Disabled People have been forced onto Unpaid Workfare with just a 2% job success rate. 2012 was the year where Academy Bosses salaries accelerated to more than double the pay of the Prime Minister. There are now hundreds of Academy bosses raking in more than Government Ministers earn. 2012 saw record high Clinical Negligence payouts totalling more than £1.2 billion. This is a £500 million increase than payouts under Labour. Each claim takes on average 1.3 years, so the 2012 payouts were for errors in 2010-11. 25,000 businesses have already gone bust under this government. 4 Trusts have now been placed in administration with one judged ‘bankrupt’. A Further Trust was told it was facing bankruptcy 2 NHS Acute Secondary Hospitals are either a) privatised or b) the formal process of franchising has begun. 11,000 Hospital Beds have been axed in 2 years. We now have the lowest number of hospital beds in our NHS in living memory. 10,000 students GCSE English Results were debated in a High Court as Fuckwitted Pob lookalike Michael Gove oversaw a belated altering of the grade boundaries that unduly punished some students by as much as 2 grades. A benefit cap was brought in that will save just a 110 million a year while the Tory party still ignore the loss of 25 billion in tax avoidance. Iain Duncan Smiths universal credit scheme has turned into a multi billion pound disaster with the software unable to cope on a national roll out. The bedroom tax has not saved a penny and is now costing the country money as those who are effected are now claiming for private rent.
And if everybody does as you say and revolts, with riots etc, what will you have achieved other than anarchy, a load of extra cost for Police etc, repair of damage and probably loss of more peoples jobs through closed and broken businesses.
Public disorder has not worked in Greece, Spain or Italy, nor will it. Better to show your dissatisfaction through the ballot box and alter the Political spectrum that way, not through violence, violence never solved anything, just look at Syria and Palestine, the only people who win through violent protestation are the criminals, the thieves and thugs.
Your right, but the likely hood of the demo being hi jacked by the ... and thieves, is very high and it will give this odious government the excuse to further denigrate the North and especially Liverpool their hatred of us knows no bounds they will spread their anti working class propaganda through their lying press buddies to gain more support for their vindictive attacks on those least able to defend themselves, this useless Labour party should be savaging Cameron over his links to big business and the lobbyists but they sit there and take Camerons s...
If you think it has nothing to do with you or you can't be bothered then take some time and read this.
Under the Tories homelessness has shot up 31%. Tory boasts that they would turn Britain into a “tax haven” have come to pass, at least for the rich with tax avoidance now at a all time high. To many of the jobs created under the Tories have been part time. Evidence shows that record numbers of those in work want extra hours but cannot get them. There are now 600,000 less public sector workers than there was when the Tories came to power. The Universal Benefit Payment has forced families to move into squalid housing, typically defined as the lowest 33% of houses by rental value in an area. Given that 46% of private rental homes are deemed sub-standard, (ONS). The UK Statistics Authority has rebuked David Cameron Fuckwitted Pob lookalike Michael Gove and Iain Duncan Smith for their consistent misuse of government statistics. The Tory Work Programme has delivered just a 2% success rate, after they ignored NAO warnings it was a waste of money. The Tories will cut Corporation Tax (profit tax) by 25%, from levels of 28% to 21%. This is at the same time as scrapping Child Benefit for some earners and cutting Child Tax Credits The Tories spent nearly 3 years demonising benefit claimants with their “curtain pulling” stigma, even though £66bn goes unclaimed every Parliament in benefits. The Tories failed to make permanent the Bankers’ Bonus Tax and profiteers in the City of London are still being rewarded, disproportionately, for taking unnecessary risks and they have also refused to cap bankers bonuses. The Tories showed no sympathy for the families suffering from Child Benefit Cuts. One Tory MP labelled mothers complaining about losing Child Benefit as engaging in “fiscal nimbyism” and urged them to live within their means. The Tories refused to regulate the Fast Food industry. Instead, they asked their nudge unit to consider “fat taxes” on the poor. They even stopped obsese people having access to some NHS operations. Unashamed of their deeds, one Tory MP said NHS Patients should pay for their medicines if they contract illnesses through “Lifestyle Choice”. The Tories launched a war on women, by cutting Tax Credits and accusing feminism of holding back men. The Tories have wasted more than £90 billion of taxpayers’ cash. The Tories have increasingly refused Freedom of Information Requests, and have changed the rules to make it easier for an FOI request to be refused. The Tories have axed 5,000 Fire men & Fire women. The Tories have axed 28,000 staff in Police Forces throughout the country. The Tories have accepted £20 million of donations from people who have directly benefitted from their policies. The blame lies not with the donors, but the Tories for creating unnecessary conflicts of interest by accepting the cash. The Tories have abolished Remploy, and sacked 5,000 disabled workers in one day. Oblivious to the sensitivities of what they were doing, the workers were formally sacked on international day for disabled people. The Tories scrapped the 50p Rate of Tax, and in doing so have given a tax cut to millionaires. The Tories admit they will now have to borrow well over a £150 billion extra this parliament because of their failed growth. That figure has since grown again. The plans announced to halt teachers automatic progression through the Main Pay Scale could end up costing teachers up to £10,000. There are real fears among Unions that these plans amount to pay freezes through the back door. The numbers of workers not even being paid the National Minimum Wage has grown under this government, with women being the worst affected. The numbers of homes built under the Tories are at levels lower than any time since the Second World War. The numbers applying to go to university have declined 2 years running, this year by 6% alone. These are dangerous times, where aspiration for educational advancement is becoming unfulfilled. The number of working households now relying on Housing Benefit to make their rent payments has doubled. The number of families on housing waiting lists is now at a record high, after Grant Shapps failed to solve the lack of affordable housing supply. The NHS is wasting more money than ever before. Agency Spend among Foundation Trusts has climbed 50%. We are now paying private consultancies hundreds of millions to assist the new CCGs, to audit accounts, and to report on the future viability of NHS Trusts. The government have still failed to tackle payday loan companies, leaving it to crusading backbench MPs to campaign for. The government blamed the poor for being unemployed as unemployment stayed stubbornly above 2.4 million. One Tory MP even accused the unemployed of playing the system and warned of a “rude awakening” as unemployment reached 2.5million. The average NHS worker has had a real terms pay cut of £1,600 due to George Gideon Oliver Osborne, son of Sir Peter Osborne, 17th Baronet of Ballentaylor and Ballylemon and Felicity Alexandra Loxton-Peacock, educated at St. Paul's and Magdalen College, Oxford’s pay freeze. Suicide Rates have begun to rise again. Staff Cuts: 85,000 less people are employed by the state in Health & Social Care. 42,000 less are employed in the actual NHS. Rail Fares have risen more than 20% since the Tories came to power and energy bills are not far behind. Privatisation: £7bn worth of the NHS has been privatised and 90% of it has been handed to a tiny number of companies. Private landlords are recouping a record amount of £42bn a year from tenants, yet the Tories only answer was to cap housing benefit, instead of capping private rents. Personal debt continues to rocket while George Gideon Oliver Osborne, son of Sir Peter Osborne, 17th Baronet of Ballentaylor and Ballylemon and Felicity Alexandra Loxton-Peacock, educated at St. Paul's and Magdalen College, Oxford shifts the bankers debt from the state to us. Patient Satisfaction: When Labour left office NHS Patient Satisfaction was the highest it had ever been (73%). It has since taken a record slump to (58%). Just over half of people are now happy with what the NHS has to offer. Parents, pupils and teachers did not want academy status for their schools, but Fuckwitted Pob lookalike Michael Gove has ignored local democracy and forced academisation upon them. Our NHS Foundation Trusts are facing increasing economic instability. In total, 7 NHS Trusts face ‘hit squads’. The NAO concluded that PFI was not the main cause. In fact, rising spend on Agency Staff as a result of Lansley’s recruitment freeze was the main reason. Of the top 10 private health companies in the UK, who have all seen their business blossom under the Tories, there have been 100+ Care Quality Commission Inspections on their premises in 2012 which have reported shortcomings at their sites. No 2 local NHS areas in 2012 offer the same health entitlement. North Yorkshire patients, for example, are losing their right to follow up appointments and health visitors as £10m of cuts are being made to local services. Children’s rights to expensive cancer drugs now vary from trust to trust. NHS Treatments such as cataracts, hip replacements are no longer available free of charge on the NHS in some parts of England for some patients. In total, 22 Treatments are now restricted. Nearly 8,000 Nurses have been axed under the Tories and thousands more have received redundancy notices. More than 400 Sure Start Children Centres have now been shut under the Tories, this from a party who promised not only to protect them but to extend them. £1.3 trillion of damage has been done to economy through lost growth & ballooning debt and misspent money. Fuckwitted Pob lookalike Michael Gove scrapped EMA that the Institute of Fiscal Studies called Value for Money. His decision was not based upon the deficit since he first sought to scrap it in 2004. Fuckwitted Pob lookalike Michael Gove has left Britain with the most over-crowded classrooms in Europe. Fuckwitted Pob lookalike Michael Gove has cherry picked the best schools for “converter” academy status, the schools with poorer OFSTED records have been held up in their applications. Fuckwitted Pob lookalike Michael Gove has actually closed more than 200 schools at a time when class sizes are rising. Fuckwitted Pob lookalike Michael Gove halved the funding on school meals after which Jamie Oliver attacked him for decreasing the quality & health of children’s nutrition. Fuckwitted Pob lookalike Michael Gove cut £860m from the Children & Families budget and used it to bribe schools to switch to academy or free school status. Fuckwitted Pob lookalike Michael Gove cancelled Labour’s plan to roll out free school meals for middle-class families at a time when evidence shows more families are in desperate need of the meals. Just 454 Affordable Homes were built a 6 months spell under Grant Shapps, as reported by the ONS in November 2011. This was a 97% decrease. Jeremy Hunt has ordered every Primary Care Trust in England to put 3 further chunks of its NHS out to tender under AQP by September 2013. This follows on from the 456 forced tenders this year. In total, 912 pieces of our primary NHS services are being flogged. Infant mortality rates have started to rise again after a long period of them failing. In Sheffield elderly patients have to pay £5-17 for foot treatment. For a time Sheffield was also charging patients £25 for whiplash tests. In the East of England major health providers are limiting courses of physiotherapy treatment. In each of the 2 years of Tory Rule, private rents have grown by more than 4%. Ian Duncan Smith is forcing public sector workers to accept a 3% tax hike in their pension contributions against their will or any proper consultation. Iain Duncan-Smith penned one of the most heartless letters I have ever read to the family of a suicide victim caused by his policies. The government have been slammed by the leading experts in the Housing Profession who published a Housing Report concluding that the Tories, and in particular Grant Shapps as Housing Minister, were failing tenants. Half of England’s Ambulance Stations are being shut down and sold off. In total, 591 hectares of NHS land is up for sale. Gove now famously refused to discuss Ofqual’s letter of concerns about the E-Bacc in front of the Select Committee. The one-off 3 hour replacement of GCSE English has been labelled dangerous, unequal, unaccountable and unprecedented. George Gideon Oliver Osborne, son of Sir Peter Osborne, 17th Baronet of Ballentaylor and Ballylemon and Felicity Alexandra Loxton-Peacock, educated at St. Paul's and Magdalen College, Oxford signed a record number of PFI deals in his first year in power that will cost the Tax Payer £33bn. George Gideon Oliver Osborne, son of Sir Peter Osborne, 17th Baronet of Ballentaylor and Ballylemon and Felicity Alexandra Loxton-Peacock, educated at St. Paul's and Magdalen College, Oxford raised an extra £41bn in taxes in 2011 at a time when the economy was struggling but cut taxes for the rich. Gas Prices are up 31% under the Tories & 40% of families are on the brink of fuel poverty. Food Banks have grown every year of this Tory government and Child poverty has also increased. The Tories have responded in various ways from trying to claim this as a success of the Big Society, to denying poverty even exists in the UK. Female rates of redundancy are climbing at a faster rate than men. More than 80%+ of workers losing their job in the NHS are women. Huge wage differentials still exist between men and women. Despite violence against women climbing, and domestic abuse jumping 20%, one Tory MP drew parallels between the allegations of sex crimes, and smoking a joint. Despite having the consultation period required for redundancy notice halving from 90 to 45 days, the Tories persisted with blaming workers for their declining rights. One Tory MP cruelly judged that British Workers were among the ‘Worst idlers’ in the World. David Cameron has now abolished Equality Impact Assessments thus guaranteeing less equal services for disabled, elderly, LGBT, and BAME voters. Fuckwitted Pob lookalike Michael Gove cancelled a plan to rebuild 715 crumbling schools thereby ensuring that all Labour’s great advancements in updating our school infrastructure were put on hold. 10% of A & E Wards are shutting. Dozens of District General Hospitals are facing downgrade or closure. Chris Skidmore co-authored a book that labelled UK workers among the most “idle” in the world. He called for Unemployment payments to be repayable loans, and proposed that benefits such as tax credits and child benefit be capped to just two children. Chris Grayling forced 350,000 young person’s (50,000 of who are disabled)to work unpaid for multi-national firms. Cameron has spent 3 years bullying, mocking & insulting women, disabled & the elderly. At least 570,000 more households (1.2 million people) were forced into fuel poverty in one single day when energy companies announced a masive price hike in the winter of 2012. As a portion of GDP UK state spending in Education is set to fall far behind the USA making us more neo-liberal than the state we love to mock for its laissez-faire approach. Andrew Lansley & David Cameron ignored a Tribunal Ruling to publish Risk Register.This Risk Register if published could have saved lives as it would have led to an improved mitigation response to the Tories new NHS impositions. After mucking up the security arrangements for the Olympics, and wasting taxpayers’ money in still paying a company £80 million+ for failure, a Tory MP had the audacity to mock the Olympic Ceremony as Leftie Multi-Cultural Crap.It has also come to light that the same security company G4 has been robbing the tax payer blind in what is now a police investigation. According to the UK Statistics Authority, the Tory Manifesto Commitment on page 45 has been broken. There has not been a year on year increase in NHS spending in real terms as promised. According to the National Audit Office, Gove has overspent by £1 billion on his Free School & mass academisation experiment. Gove is making up the shortfall by taking £1bn cash from state school children. A&E Waiting Times at 8 year high. Things have not been this bad since 2004. A proliferation of the same fast food premises in and around schools mark this a sorry year for those trying to improve school food standards. A Bedroom Tax on families with wounded soldiers, disabled or elderly who require extra space for their treatment is callous. A 20% VAT rate has added 0.7% to inflation that reached 5% in 2011 while wages grew at less than half rate. This had a dramatic effect on the misery index. 95 Academy & Free School bosses now earn more than MPs & up to £300,000 a year. 74% of GPs say that there has been a reduced entitlement on the NHS this year. 600,000 people will go bankrupt under this government. 250,000 Disabled People have been forced onto Unpaid Workfare with just a 2% job success rate. 2012 was the year where Academy Bosses salaries accelerated to more than double the pay of the Prime Minister. There are now hundreds of Academy bosses raking in more than Government Ministers earn. 2012 saw record high Clinical Negligence payouts totalling more than £1.2 billion. This is a £500 million increase than payouts under Labour. Each claim takes on average 1.3 years, so the 2012 payouts were for errors in 2010-11. 25,000 businesses have already gone bust under this government. 4 Trusts have now been placed in administration with one judged ‘bankrupt’. A Further Trust was told it was facing bankruptcy 2 NHS Acute Secondary Hospitals are either a) privatised or b) the formal process of franchising has begun. 11,000 Hospital Beds have been axed in 2 years. We now have the lowest number of hospital beds in our NHS in living memory. 10,000 students GCSE English Results were debated in a High Court as Fuckwitted Pob lookalike Michael Gove oversaw a belated altering of the grade boundaries that unduly punished some students by as much as 2 grades. A benefit cap was brought in that will save just a 110 million a year while the Tory party still ignore the loss of 25 billion in tax avoidance. Iain Duncan Smiths universal credit scheme has turned into a multi billion pound disaster with the software unable to cope on a national roll out. The bedroom tax has not saved a penny and is now costing the country money as those who are effected are now claiming for private rent.
Ying and yang Frank,we have a extreme right wing government (lots of people don't know that yet but they will if the same vermin win the next election)the list of anti working class Tories is endless time and time again they have attacked the majority of decent people in this country and got away with it in the name of austerity but the filthy lucre is still rolling into their pockets and that of big business,waiting in the wings with baited breath for the next sell of so they can buy shares with the money they have stashed in off shore accounts, yes they are the enemy within they have and are selling our country for money and privilege, they will then take their sated bloated selves off to their estates and continue to milk us for duck houses and wisteria trimming.
Labour took a good and strong UK and Fooked it into the ground! All the tories are doing is putting it right AGAIN like they did in 1979 after Labour fooked it up before that!
All the parties are the same and all the MPs are the same - they are only in it for themselves as you will never see a poor one be it Lab, Lib or Con
Dear oh dear Frank you really are clutching at straws, pray tell me how many Tory MPs have been jailed for perjury, dishonesty I know thieving is rife amongst all MPs but the tories hold the record but apart from that they are that thick skinned they can see no wrong in what they have done and on release return to the trough or the upper trough to continue as a given right I see one ex tory MP trying to get back on the gravy train by applying to UKIP and the arrogance of Cameron in his recent TV interview about lobbying, these people don't run the country for the populace they run it as their own PLC for what they can get out of it, they are the worst kind of thieves, they don't thieve to eat or feed their families they thieve because they are greedy much wants more people much is never enough.
I didn't imply that all Labour MPs are sqeeky clean Frank, to be blunt there are very few MP's of any party that have not had their hand in the till,my point was as you stated yourself that most the Tories are rich and don't need to thieve, with them it is pure greed again there are a very very few that deserve the title RT honourable,com'on be honest if you had a good income would you claim for a mars bar on expenses? but you have been critical of the trade unions which is your right, but you must accept that the tories are funded by big business yet they turn around and accuse the labour party of being in the unions pocket,I do agree that there should be a capped amount for political parties but Dave blanched at this,that says a lot.
Labour took a good and strong UK and Fooked it into the ground! All the tories are doing is putting it right AGAIN like they did in 1979 after Labour fooked it up before that!
Indeed - ying and yang in it's purest form - you break it we fix it to our 'ideals' then that doesn't work so it's over to the other lot to 'fix' their way - pretty boring and predicatable - which is why this country is going nowhere..
Well basically Frank if we buy goods or services from these companies we contribute indirectly how do we know the odd penny here and their added on is not going to be used as slush money? as to share holders voting I have never seen any reference to political levis nor to inflated pay offs for disgraced company managers, as to your comment I have seen a survey "somewhere" it is a bit vague and not definable we can all point to misdemeanours by the various parties but the nasty tories are way ahead in their poor treatment of the majority of people in this country hence their time in parliament is beset with demonstrations culminating in the heavy use of the police or army if these people can defraud the inland revenue then they have the means to move money around which is not accounted for and we would be naïve to believe otherwise, at least the labour leadership is willing to do something about it but Daves knuckles went white holding on to the debating table when it was suggested that political contributions be capped to all parties
I would have expected better from you Frank than a dismissive all propaganda, you have swallowed the Tory Lie about unemployed milking the system dry now THAT is pure propaganda and there is legitimate evidence to prove it, a typical ploy to turn attention away from the vicious attacks this unelected government are making on the people of this country to make a scapegoat of a section of society, just like the Nazis did to the Jews, blame all the ills on someone else the unemployed, immigrants the Labour party anyone bar themselves or their non policies, I hoped never again to see the odious face of conservatism holding power, but alas they only way they could get it was by default, look around the world right wing governments are usually kept in power by dictators and the force of arms
Spot on Casper, and give it time, but tories will make anyone on a benefit wear something to identify themselves, it wont be as obvious as the nazis did, but it will come, and they are doing a lovley job of turning people against each other, Remember your only one accident/ redundancy/illness away from being in their clutches and i bet people would change their tune then !
Originally Posted by casper
I would have expected better from you Frank than a dismissive all propaganda, you have swallowed the Tory Lie about unemployed milking the system dry now THAT is pure propaganda and there is legitimate evidence to prove it, a typical ploy to turn attention away from the vicious attacks this unelected government are making on the people of this country to make a scapegoat of a section of society, just like the Nazis did to the Jews, blame all the ills on someone else the unemployed, immigrants the Labour party anyone bar themselves or their non policies, I hoped never again to see the odious face of conservatism holding power, but alas they only way they could get it was by default, look around the world right wing governments are usually kept in power by dictators and the force of arms
Pablo is that what you really think? or are you a troll With nothing to add of your own just wanting to stir things up? we could be on the verge of losing the NHS to privatisation to line the pockets of shareholders and your solution is to make crass remarks, there are no so blind as those that don't wish to see, I hope your never in need of a helping hand or a kind word mate.
Just a reminder of the original post Waste of time, all this bickering.
Originally Posted by RUDEBOX
At Queen Elizabeth Courts, 1pm on Saturday 27th July 2013.
You are invited to be a part of history and attend a demonstration that will see everybody who opposes the cuts descending on to Liverpool town centre. This is our opportunity to come together from all over the UK, whether you are a bedroom tax group, a pensioners group, a union branch, an anti cuts group or an individual who has enough of life and the austerity measures that have been put in place by Etonian elite and carried out locally.
The reality of the cuts is starting to hit and we are only 20% thro...ugh them, there is nobody that this does not effect unless you are a millionaire! The TUC is sitting on its hands after calling marches in London and is still considering the merits of a general strike over austerity, whilst applauding other countries who's working class people have taken to the streets in huge numbers whilst our own country is on its knees. Its up to everybody to take ownership, get involved and send a clear message out, we will not wait for somebody else to organise it on our behalf, we the working class people will lead by example and show those with power what the feeling is and what is required.
This is not about Bootle, not about Sefton, not about Liverpool this is about all those working class towns and cities up and down the country being held responsible and wherever you are in the UK you are invited to join us, for one day to make the point that ENUF is ENUF!!!
Bob Crow, Tony Mulhearn and Sheila Coleman are confirmed as a speakers.
A steel drum band will be playing and we are in discussion with other bands!
Labour took a good and strong UK and Fooked it into the ground! All the tories are doing is putting it right AGAIN like they did in 1979 after Labour fooked it up before that!
All the parties are the same and all the MPs are the same - they are only in it for themselves as you will never see a poor one be it Lab, Lib or Con
Your post Kitty, is quite clearly as accurate as we will get on here. The 'copy and paste' propoganda on the first page, is clearly propoganda of gross proportions. Facts can be churned out from every direction, which actually doesn't improve or change anything. However, having said that, I do believe that life for many in this country has now become intolerable. I don't believe that a 'general strike' should be encouraged, as that is the way certain groups would love to make an impact and it will do nothing to help, it would no doubt make things worse. How can anyone without employment, now have the ability to wait and see what will happen. Frustrations are rising and at no time recently, I can recall, has anyone of our political parties joined forces in making any meaningful words of empathy towards the all those who are struggling to pay their way at the moment.It becomes a political , point scoring spat at Question Time .Most people would be happier with someone who actually understands the way they feel but that would show 'weakness' from political figures.Not only that, if they haven't suffered the same, they cannot comprehend. What denotes a 'depression'. I'm not sure whether we are in one or not. That word has been struck off recently. Those in private rented could end up being so far behind in their rents that they either get evicted or spend the next so many years trying to pay the debt back. This will all culminate in bad health,particularly depresion. I can't blame people for taking to the street now, Parlaiment needs to wake up when they return from their summer holidays, and realise that something major has to be done by bringing industry back into this country and not selling off what we are hanging onto.. The unfortunate thing is that people in this county winge too soon about things. When it really gets bad, nobody is listening anymore.
Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect. ~Chief Seattle
Well Frank its a world wide problem Detroit in the USA is virtually bankrupt it was probably the Labour party and the unemployed that did That Spain France and Greece ,lets have a good scapegoat to blame all the ills on, lets forget about insider trading and tax evasion it doesn't happen its all propaganda put about by the trade unions, Geoge Osbourne is doing a wonderful job borrowing money the economy is stagnant but lets dwell on the Olympics and the Royal Birth wonderful news for GB plc the boys made a few bob there kerching,did'nt we do well, perhaps if all the political parties came together in a coalition instead of the blame game and agreed policies to defeat the common enemy of austerity and we might get somewhere, and the demonstrations across the UK were,nt orchestrated by the Trade unions Frank as you well know,and to finish the Tories weren't elected by a majority Frank if they hadn't jumped into bed with the also ran party there would have been a hung parliament.
You are very fond of the 'note story', you seem to mention it almost daily. Heres another: In 1964 Tory Reg Mauding left a note for his Labour successor James Callaghan 'Good luck Old Cock.....sorry to leave it in such a mess'.
Yes I agree not very good punctuation Chris, however almost unintelligible is a bit over the top, I am sure you get the gist of my poorly edited rant.
As Frank pointed out in an earlier post most people who disagree with this governments policies are lazy poorly educated layabouts who rely on benefits, so that could be a factor, or we could be minding grandchildren whilst both their lazy feckless parents are at work.
anyone remember Tony who use to be on here? all he went on about was how great the tories where/are, am I the only one getting that Déjà vu feeling like I've seen this all before, only waiting for the Angela Eagle hate posts, If you stay on here longer nuff you see things that set the alarm bells ringing.
At it again Chris, No input on the topic, just moaning, half your posts are about spelling, punctuation and grammar. Sad life you lead.
Kindly point out to me the half of my 3000+ posts which fall into that category: put up or shut up. All I hope for is that anyone could read a post and understand it, without having to re-read it several times. Punctuation isn't just an artificial imposition, it's used to make something easy to read and to remove ambiguities; it's also politeness.
Yes I agree not very good punctuation Chris, however almost unintelligible is a bit over the top, I am sure you get the gist of my poorly edited rant.
Nemo Me Impune Lacessit
Hi, casper; I had to re-read the post several times in order to decide where one sentence ended and another began and where to take a breath: that, to me, justified the description "almost unintelligible". The function of punctuation is to make a written piece understandable; it's a matter of courtesy.
I hadn't realised that you were a member of the Most Ancient and Most Noble Order of the Thistle.
It is also bad manners to criticize openly peoples mistakes, they maybe suffering from an impairment to integrate auditory and visual information, or one of the other many forms of dyslexia, however that was not my problem, just pointing out that making little of other peoples failings shows a lack of understanding and empathy for those less fortunate, just like the present unelected government.
A Cat Called Nemo?, We have a fish called Nemo. We had a fish in our pond called "Bob" but he went missing. All the other fish still miss him. Everytime you go passed the pond you can see the fish calling him "Bob, Bob, Bob". Umm, time for more medication...
So hypothetically speaking, if the Lib Dems jumped ship and joined up with Labour would the Tories still be in power then Frank? is that what you are suggesting? because that would be the case if they were indeed an elected government wouldn't it?
It is also bad manners to criticize openly peoples mistakes, they maybe suffering from an impairment to integrate auditory and visual information, or one of the other many forms of dyslexia, however that was not my problem, just pointing out that making little of other peoples failings shows a lack of understanding and empathy for those less fortunate, just like the present unelected government.
La'a'Bhlair's math na Cairdean
Since it was evident from your other posts that you were perfectly capable of constructing a decent paragraph, I felt entitled to comment on your lapse. You've got me with that signature; I don't have the Gaelic
Oh dear Frank, that's not strictly true is it? the results were to the general election no overall party with a Majority, this would have resulted in a hung parliament.
So there we go, a defective unelected government propped up by the also ran party, so much for democracy, rule by default, but lets face it they will use any insidious method they can to cling on to power, but at least you believe in them Frank, don't you?
Both Labour and Conservative have benefitted at times from "first past the post" being the party that lost the popular vote but won the most seats
The Electoral Reform Society is seeking a "representative democracy fit for the 21st century." [1] It believes that:
Every vote and every voice has value and should be heard Everyone should be able to shape the decisions that affect their lives Our institutions should reflect the people they serve People should be able to hold those in power to account Politics should offer people real alternatives
Since its formation, the Society has advocated replacement of the First Past the Post voting system used for public elections in Britain with a proportional voting system, the Single Transferable Vote. It also campaigns for improvements to public elections and is a regular commentator on all aspects of representation, participation and governance in the UK.
We have had the AV referendum and quite clearly, the people do not want it. PR has one major flaw and Tony Benn pointed it out many years ago.
"If you vote somebody in then you must be able to vote them out."
Can't you vote them out now at election time?
As far as I know it was the 600+ mps who threw pr out, not the majority of people. Frightened Tories and Labour scared stiff at losing their seats (those around trough mainly) I forgot - you voted me in - so you have given me permission to do whatever I want to do whether you like it or not
Frank, what is it that you don't understand about overall majority? does it mean (a)the biggest Tory Majority,(b) The biggest Labour Majority, (c) the biggest Lib Dem majority,(d)the party with a bigger majority than the other two together.
Quick question - what happens if you find out you have a dunderhead/greasy pole merchant - just after the election - you actually can't vote them out for 59 months either.....under the current horse racing type rules
I forgot - you voted me in - so you have given me permission to do whatever I want to do whether you like it or not
NO I HAVE most certainly NOT
The "ME" was really what I assumed Mr Cameron or the party whoever was in power at the time could say they have been given a Mandate (politics), the power granted by an electorate. Does this also apply to a coalition government?
They have certainly done and are trying to do things that were not in their manifesto pre - election
For the party with the biggest vote to hold office on its own it requires the confidence of parliament, or to form a coalition with one of the other parties, so when I suggested that if the Lib Dems withdrew their support or "jumped ship" would the Cons still hold control your reply was yes, well that's not strictly true is it Frank? because they would need the confidence of parliament that's why they "used" the also ran party to get their grubby fingers on tickets for the Westminster gravy train.
I also have to disagree with your comment which suggests a minority government has been done many times before, it has in fact been done on very few occasions and the majority of those times during the war years as a coalition.
So maybe it is you Frank that fails to see and cant accept that we have an unelected government only allowed to govern by the goodwill of the other parties, but without the full agreement of the people.
You need to take your own advice Frank, and read what I have written more thoroughly, I understand you are miffed that your party of choice weren't really elected and are a default government, but hey better luck next, more propaganda and lies, a gullible electorate, you never know.
You tinker Frank, you are still trying to wind me up with your "all the people" comment.
Anyway cant chat long just going to shower and get my feckless unemployed (retired) self off to Liverpool along with all the others, most of whom are giving up their free time off to demonstrate against the policies of this nasty vindictive unelected government.
What a fantastic day, great turnout of around 500 people, with great speakers! We saw seasoned activists and trade unionists speaking alongside some really powerful speakers from the community, amidst heartbreaking stories, showing us all how important it is to continue to make ourselves heard and the importance of solidarity!
We had people from North Wales, Manchester, and as far afield as Portsmouth attending, in full voice.
The People's Assembly and Casa did us all proud marching in, to Derby Square, to say making themselves heard would be an understatement, followed by a sit down protest blocking the traffic in and out of Liverpool City Centre!
^Summary of the day. If anybody wants to see pics,pm me Was a great day.
What a fantastic day, great turnout of around 500 people, with great speakers! We saw seasoned activists and trade unionists speaking alongside some really powerful speakers from the community, amidst heartbreaking stories, showing us all how important it is to continue to make ourselves heard and the importance of solidarity!
We had people from North Wales, Manchester, and as far afield as Portsmouth attending, in full voice.
The People's Assembly and Casa did us all proud marching in, to Derby Square, to say making themselves heard would be an understatement, followed by a sit down protest blocking the traffic in and out of Liverpool City Centre!
^Summary of the day. If anybody wants to see pics,pm me Was a great day.
From little acorns Frank, I didn't think you were that desperate to promote your unelected party that you changed the wording on my post, now that smacks of desperation.
Your doing Tory mathematics Frank, massaging the figures, counting the also rans in the total, to be the elected party they needed a bigger majority than the other two together, no agreement between the parties would have meant a hung parliament.
They have used dopey Clegg and co in the game of thrones, they will be soon be discarded, so Dave can blow in UKIP's ear, more his sort of people the UKIP closet racists, but hey if they are desperate for power anything goes.
Back at beginning of WW2 a number of high profile Tories wanted to do a deal with Adolf, like that then, like that now, sell themselves for power and money.
International Day of Peace or (World Peace Day) 21st September
Can we work towards it?
Just spreading the 'Word'
Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect. ~Chief Seattle
At last we have finally got there, the electorate didn't have a CONDEM box for their tick choice, together they formed a coalition after the individual results, as I said earlier without a coalition the other option was a hung parliament or a General Election, the Lib Dems could have sided with Labour, and you and Dave would have been crying foul.
I would rather see a government of any party win with a landslide majority at least that's the will of the people, not some shabby unelected mish mash trying to appease each other to stay in the drivers seat.
[quote=casper]I would rather see a government of any party win with a landslide majority at least that's the will of the people, not some shabby unelected mish mash trying to appease each other to stay in the drivers seat.{/quote]
If any of the parties were good enough at running the country, they wouldn't be booted out, the proof of the pudding is in the eating, as the old saying goes.
Just watch the runup to the next election. Who may have to get in bed with who. Cloud cuckooland promises Accusations flying all over the place. The libdems trying to distance themselves from the Cons (sorry slip of the finger there)and how they kept them from inflicting deeper austerity cuts. All snouts eager to get at the trough
I haven't the foggiest of what UKIP stand for except emotion stirring policies against immigration and getting out of Europe
oh dear! From the document linked above Labour has been struggling to marry its fervent belief that social security is a cornerstone of social democracy with a public increasingly intolerant of "benefit culture". Its spokesmen attack specific reforms, but cannot say if they will be repealed.
Labour's own tough proposals for welfare, such as the requirement to work after two years on the dole, are either not known or little understood. Its best hope may lie in the claim Tory welfare is not working. Incompetence rather than ideology becomes the battleground.
So after verbating on sentences within two short paragraphs would you care to comment on the article as a whole?
Of course 1st past the post is the government, but if they made laws and such by themselves that the also rans didn't like,the opposition are entitled to get together (labour + Libdem + other Mps elected)and thus having more votes, vote against them and stop any bills being passed. I would say winning is when you have a majority that the opposition can't beat.
Of course 1st past the post is the government, but if they made laws and such by themselves that the also rans didn't like,the opposition are entitled to get together (labour + Libdem + other Mps elected)and thus having more votes, vote against them and stop any bills being passed. I would say winning is when you have a majority that the opposition can't beat.
The question was I did ask you a while back but you failed to respond. Given the results of the 2010 election, where the Tories received the most votes and therefore beat all other rivals (That must be winning!!) Who would you suggest should have formed the government? _________________________
I've no arguement with those gaining the most seats (although a few times the most seats haven't had the most votes) being the elected government. I'm just saying it's not a convincing win if you don't have more seats than the opposition can muster. Although I don't believe it - I read online something about Gordon Brown being the leader of the government in power at the time of the election could have had first chance of forming a coalition but gave it away to the Tories as they won the most seats (there must have been back room dealings that didn't work out for him I bet)
Strictly speaking, no party is elected; an individual candidate in each constituency is elected to parliament. Those people almost always have declared an allegiance to a particular party. Nevertheless, it's individuals who are elected. After the election, the Queen asks one member, usually the leader of the party with the most members (although, as Derek pointed out, not necessarily the most votes) to form a government. That party may not command the majority of seats and so, as at present, alliances have to be formed. If, as has been suggested earlier, the members of a party in the alliance choose to cease supporting their coalition partners, that doesn't mean that the government falls; that only happens when the other party to the coalition fails to survive a vote of "no confidence". In that case, the government resigns, because it can no longer carry out its plans, and a general election is called.
Strikes me that Labour is still looking pretty solid in the polls and that the Blairites are extremely nervous about having 50 or so Unite-sponsored oiks showing up in Westminster to lower the tone.
So nervous that for all practical purposes they're colluding with the Tories to try to prevent it from happening by attacking the remaining connections between Labour and the unions.
From their point of view, they'd be much happier being dependent on Lord Sainsbury and his mates and having the Labour party merely represent a slightly different bunch of rich guys to the Tories.