all the cubbin and north garages,i used to do valeting for I remember mr cubbins daughter was quite pleasant...I actually bumped a brand new saxo at the bebington site!at the jeep garage on the a41 (now carphone warehouse) I remember someone chopped in a mk2 golf 16v and a mk3 vr6 for a jeep and I thought at the time why would you do that?
I bought a lot of the equipment from the A41 garage when it was sold off, sealed bids I seem to recall, including all their phone & computer equipment.
I'd just dismantled everything when a very urgent lady came on the phone trying to get it all back as it didn't actually belong to Cubbin & North.
I think I still have one of their Jeep banners in my workshop.
My dad bought a Peugeot 104 in the 80's from Palace for 150 pounds. I was begging him to buy a red XJS for 400 quid, but he didn't want to (in hindsight I can see why!).
Remember going round all these dealers to get the car brochures. Danes Volkswagen used to be opposite Storeton Woods (now next to Village Hotel). Also James Edwards Rover on Old Chester Road (near Dacre Hill).
Incidentally, I live next to where the old Rootes car factory was (Hillman/Talbot, etc). They built a retail park on it.
RE Wright was a Triumph and Standard garage and dealer. The original garage was on Borough Road between Temple Road and Prenton Road West. We bought our first new car from there, a Standard 10 and later my mum got a Triumph Spitfire. I think they may have opened another branch in Upton later on.
At the bottom of Singleton Avenue there was a second hand car dealer called Arroway Motors.
Not sure if anyone has mentioned Kirby's which was a Rootes Group dealer on Woodchurch Road where Sainsbury's was subsequently built. I remember walking past there often on my way home from school just so I could look at a Red Sunbeam Tiger in the showroom.
RE Wright was a Triumph and Standard garage and dealer. The original garage was on Borough Road between Temple Road and Prenton Road West. We bought our first new car from there, a Standard 10 and later my mum got a Triumph Spitfire. I think they may have opened another branch in Upton later on.
You may remember the chippy just a few doors down on the town side of Temple Rd. The owner bought a TR2 from R.E.Wright's in about 1953/54.
Chris, that chippy was Baily's. I rember a red TR2 sitting on the pavement out side Wright's at arround 53/54, do you remember the Triump Mayflower {saloon} out arround that time. It had an all ally body.
Last edited by jimbob; 25th Nov 20137:34pm.
Ships that pass in the night, seldom seen and soon forgoten