Originally posted by scoop2004:
Cheap ass sausages are bad cos they use the ass and the shit bits of the pig. Best to get moderately good meat at least
Don't bother me, and in many cases, the "Value" range of food is just the same as the normal range except it is usually surplus stock and the packaging aint as fancy. Im not into paying double for the benefit of fancy packaging.
For example, why pay 48p for a Tesco loaf when you can get exactly the same thing for 24p, except it is their Tesco Value range. And believe me, they are exactly the same product.
You sound like me mum lol! To me, food is food, so long as it tastes nice I dont care.
It matters even less on a BBQ.
And as or foods being unhealthy, everyone says I shouldnt eat as many chips and macdonalds as I do. But 90% of the people I know smoke, so do they really have room to talk???