Blood rain in Kerala India; Some say it's due to an a microorganism which shows signs of life but doesn't have any DNA. Others say it's due to Uranium. Others say it remains a mystery.
Blood red rivers ; China, River Yangtze some say it was a factory throwing out their old red garments and pollution !
Israel, River Jordan , thousands of dead fish and a smell of sulphur
Egypt,Beirut,Sydney and many more.
Plenty of explanations, but nobody seem to have the right answer ! Why not ? I thought we had the answers for everything now, and if due to an algae why is it happening now ? Have we depleted the seas of the creatures that look after them for us.
in order. Australia, China and Egypt
Last edited by granny; 24th Jun 201512:31pm.
Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect. ~Chief Seattle
I believe the first disaster suddenly affecting a significant proportion of the world's population will be seismic/volcanic.
I can't see how we are not going to have more wars, very few countries have not got major economic problems which will lead to more and more aggressive behaviour. We have enough problems going on but we are playing silly games with Russia who are the masters of not being seen to back down.
The medical profession need shooting for the extremely slow progress they are making, globalisation causes increased problems with disease and we are nearly wide open still despite all the technological advances in DNA study - but does it pay Governments to increase immortality - there would be a global financial disaster.
Climate change, we should be spending money on adaptation to climate change not pursuing the false beliefs that it is man made.
Earth collision will happen, no way of predicting when, equally likely next week as in a thousand years time.
Most of these issues can be mitigated by interplanetary colonization - but we are dragging our feet on that one as well.
We don't do charity in Germany, we pay taxes. Charity is a failure of governments' responsibilities - Henning Wehn
The Red Sea got its name because of the same phenomenon, hardly a modern day calling card for the end of Earth.
I don't think the earth is about to end Dusty but the Red Sea was the name given in English. Originally, the Hebrew name was Yam Suph meaning Sea of Reeds.
Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect. ~Chief Seattle
The Red Sea got its name because of the same phenomenon, hardly a modern day calling card for the end of Earth.
Red Sea meant the South sea and the Black sea is the North sea, its still up for discussion whether the White sea is the West sea and the Yellow sea is the Central sea. These correspond to the Chinese Astrological directions. But yes, historically the Red sea has had red blooms.
We don't do charity in Germany, we pay taxes. Charity is a failure of governments' responsibilities - Henning Wehn
My point being The Red Sea got the name a long time ago and many things that are occurring have done so before.The Dead sea would not be called the dead sea when it was alive. My apologies Granny, for implying something not said. Wars, plagues, disasters, etc. all roads lead to ---.DD The N.S.E.W Chinese thing I don't go along with,it seems a bit "Time Team"to me.
cont. The Red Sea , I read as having a different type of straw- like bloom which made the water red, rather than the algae that is forming in the other rivers etc. The point in the issues raised is the fact that our world is changing extremely rapidly. The algae found in the Yangtze for example, has been around for some time but not as prolific or as wide spread as it now is. The fish in the seas have something causing the deaths on such huge numbers and so frequently. The Euphrates river and the Nile is drying up, the Dead Sea is drying up at an alarming rate, there are 3000 sink holes along it's banks. species of animals becoming extinct which effects the balance of nature. The earth is changing and the global warming effect is taking it's course plus the species that came last, according to your Aboriginal belief ,is destroying everything which we were given in the natural world. . The 'worldomoeters' info links on the previous page paint a scary picture and is a perfect example of what we are having to face as humanity.
No, I'm sure these things won't lead to the end of the Earth, but could lead to the end of life as we have known it as we are already in that transition period, like it or lump it.
I tend to agree with DD on the fact that there will be more than one massive earthquake and the result will be levelling in more ways than one. How can the earth become hotter and hotter . 6000 degrees Celsius which is 1000 degrees hotter than 20 years ago, hotter than the sun and only 4000 miles to the centre. !
Last edited by granny; 25th Jun 20158:36am.
Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect. ~Chief Seattle
Watch out for the 3 Blood Moons this year--- very significant in the Judaistic prophetic calendar. Something to do with them falling on feast days and precipitating a significant event in the world. End of the year will show if its just another misguided doomsday scaremongering.
I'm no great fan of end of the world prophesies but the super-volcano under Yellowstone does worry me. (Except that I don't think I'll be around much longer).
I think a super-volcano is the likeliest cause of a global natural disaster, although poor access to clean water and resulting disease is up there too, certainly in less developed areas.
Watch out for the 3 Blood Moons this year--- very significant in the Judaistic prophetic calendar. Something to do with them falling on feast days and precipitating a significant event in the world. End of the year will show if its just another misguided doomsday scaremongering.
Fish, just found that the Jewish Calendar is different to our Gregorian calendar. Our year 2015 their year says 5775. At one time they only counted years when they had favourable Kings or rulers, so the accurate current year is somewhere between 5985 and 5999..... apparently. Work that one out !
Greenwood, I could agree with that too. How did Rome fall ? According to the guide we had, the viaducts that distributed the water to the city were destroyed, thus causing the population of Rome to disperse.
They couldn't survive without water and neither could we. All back to the natural world again ! We are so dependent on it all, aren't we ?
Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect. ~Chief Seattle
The medical profession need shooting for the extremely slow progress they are making, globalisation causes increased problems with disease and we are nearly wide open still despite all the technological advances in DNA study
And here we are, four and a half years later!
We don't do charity in Germany, we pay taxes. Charity is a failure of governments' responsibilities - Henning Wehn
In the great scheme of things, four and a half years is nothing. Blame globalisation if anything at all, and the vast amounts of money being poured into a few extra large pockets. Another great scheme produced by the few for the many , and those who consider it their prerogative to own the world. Can't wait for the final battle for the 'supreme champion' !
Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect. ~Chief Seattle