After looking at some maps 1915 and 1950s I'm still trying to get my head around the 1st pic of post as being the Stanley Arms 76 Borough Road Anyone know the name of the PH at top of 1915 map by Tabor st Shame my numbered 1950s stops short
I thought it may have been a Post Office not a Pub?.
Did the Stanley have a mosaic of a Higsons Liver Bird on the floor outside the front door? I seem to remember it. The shop before the Stanley, with the jigger between them, was the doll's hospital if I'm not mistaken.
On the 1836-51 Tithe Maps, the complete L shape plot of land (plot No. 57) is recorded as being owned and occupied by Thomas Odell, and the plot name id 'The Stanley Arms Hotel' and includes the Bowling Green. It is immediately recognised by the angle that the building makes with the road.
Meanwhile, plot No. 56, the two premises to the west of the hotel, beyond the passage in the above map, are owned by Thomas Affleck and occupied by Alice Dorothy Darby & Margaret Dean, and described as 'Two Houses Gardens and Yards'.
Plot 58, to the east of the hotel, was owned by John Mawdsley and occupied by John Brown & John Roberts, with the property described as 'House Shop Cottages and Yard'.
What we need now is a street directory for the lower end of Brighton St. to help identify the pub by the BM 49.6 mark, and to see if there was one, or if it was a Post Office, on the corner of Tabor St - something that was raised earlier in this post.
And I'd like to find the map I saw that indicated that at one time the pub and Hotel may have been seperate.
After looking at some maps 1915 and 1950s I'm still trying to get my head around the 1st pic of post as being the Stanley Arms 76 Borough Road
The doorway on the left is not the Stanley Arms but the shop next to it as seen in this photo , both pics show the preceding properties outlined in red & then blue , the top pic shows the Stanley outlined in yellow .
Last edited by zigzagwanderer; 24th Nov 201411:15pm.