* You must be logged in to see these images.These have been reported for along time now but today was my first time on the telephone with one of these
Microsoft Engineers reporting errors on my computer. So i want to show you what they said and what they do.
THIS IS A SCAM AND THIS IS A WARNING TO YOU !!There game is to gain full access to your computer and gleam any information from it you may have on there from contacts to passwords.
Imagine the worst and it can happen. And when you think you have disconnected from there connection they can still gain access because they would have dropped a program on your pc allowing it and modifying your firewall to accept it as a friend.
Step 1You will receive a call telling you that there are errors on your computer, they can fix these errors, that could be caused due to a virus on your computer you would have obtained from browsing the internet. (Possible) And they can show you these errors with out a connection to your computer.
Step 2For me this was a transfer to the engineering department who can they talk you through the errors and what can be done to fix them. So they will wait as you start up your computer and log in to your desk top. The following instructions may be diffrent as there are many ways to the same get the same result.
I was Advised to press the windows key + R (This is to bring up the Run Command box).
* You must be logged in to see these images.![[Linked Image]](https://www.wikiwirral.co.uk/forums/ubbthreads.php/ubb/download/Number/111705/filename/run-window.JPG)
I was then Advised to Type in the box
eventvwrThis is the Event Viewer short cut.
Now I am looking at the Event Viewer and advised to double click on Administrator Views.
The Click on Custom views and wait. Ive already been primed that anything over 50 is bad and needs attention.
Wow 8,759 Errors and Warnings !!!
![[Linked Image]](https://www.wikiwirral.co.uk/forums/ubbthreads.php/ubb/download/Number/111704/filename/Event%20Viewer.JPG)
Bull Rubbish, this is normal for any Pc day to day running, its not effecting my activities in anyway and wont.
In the image below you will see ive Highlighted a Warning and a Critical Error.
Critical error is because i pulled out a memory stick and it didn't like it.
Warning is the driver can not be loaded for the usb stick (Because its not there any more lol).
Step 3Now i'm supposed to be really worried and need there help that is going to cost £60 to fix the errors. Which remember are probably viruses i have collected along the way, even though i have a paid for Firewall, and Antivirus Software on my computer which include Mall-ware scanners. So I know this "Engineer is talking absolute rubbish"
Once again its windows key + R
![[Linked Image]](https://www.wikiwirral.co.uk/forums/ubbthreads.php/ubb/download/Number/111706/filename/web.JPG)
this time i'm to type into the bar the name of a remote connection website, there are many so its not worth mentioning an individual one, its was a free one, and a legit site, however that would be used to make the connection and send there silent connection program over without our knowledge, or a key logger that records your key presses and then also sends password information to them.
At this point I Informed the Microsoft Engineer that i was an I T Engineer and he was talking absolute rubbish.
The phone went dead.
I hope this has been informative and helps you to avoid such fake scams.If you have been subject to this and you think they may have a remote connection you need to get it investigated.
You need to have any remote service removed or you could be giving away passwords or even bank details.
You can drop me a private message if you wish to resolve this privately.
Another example Not me.
And another one more like the one i had
As you can see prices will vary but if you have friends or family ask them, never ever let any one you do not trust remote connect to your computer. Or you may as well give them your bank card and passwords.