Quite remarkable really. Both of them failed in my opinion, for different reasons. Although they share one reason and the pair of them are like overgrown schoolboys.
When, oh when are we going to have a leader we can actually have some respect for ?
I'm afraid I cannot identify with either. Most of the presenters on television have a far better attitude and more mature behavioural pattern. They may talk about a different subjects, but they can certainly hold ones interest.
Pitt Milliband against leaders of the Arab nations, the French president, Mr Putin, China's leader, leaders of the African nations. They'd have him for breakfast.
Good Lord, it's a very scary prospect. Notice the more excited he gets, the higher his voice goes, and if he had anything to offer that could somehow be overshadowed.
The other jerk needs to spend a month on benefits and food hand outs for his kids, just for an idea of how things really are for so many.
Now , my chart is on the wall and boxes are being ticked or crossed.
Sorry,, talked too much again, but I work best after midnight.