I believe the current etiquette is to hang the bag on the nearest tree, this is eyelevel and makes the passer bye aware, in the summer the stench provides an early warning system for the pedestrian to avoid, so thanks to all the thoughtless dog owners that cant be bothered to takes their animals mess home.
I very rarely pick my dogs shit up t.b.h. Plusone does it. I believe Sand is the favoured 'landing station' as the turd can be scooped up with a handful of sand.
* I do pick up the turds when I have to though!!! I would prefer a pavement than a grassy-knoll.
They can be trained. Our dogs always did their business in the garden, before they went for a walk. Never a problem. The same applies to my sons dog now. Clear it up when you get back from the walk.
They are clever enough to learn, it a shame the owners can't learn about the dogs capabilities. Picking up dog shit is part of the course, if one doesn't like to do it, they shouldn't have a dog. A bit like gardening. If you don't like weeding, don't have a garden !
Last edited by granny; 11th Feb 201511:47am.
Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect. ~Chief Seattle
I try & get mine to poo on soil makes it a bit easier to get it all up or if we go to the beach on the sand so I can bag it & bin it.She was trained by someone or learnt it at her time in the kennels to pee in the grid.problem is lack of bins,there's plenty were I go but the likes of the Wirral way there is hardly any.
I notice that although people bag the poo and the amount of "exposed" dog excrement is very low, there has been a huge increase in small black bags littering the streets with small parcels enclosed.
...if people are going to the trouble of bagging it, why do they also not dispose of it properly also
After saying that yesterday, I went out running last night and managed to step in an abandoned turd on the pavement - lovely
Question about dog walking etiquette - walking with your canine companion, as you approach a hoise front gate, occupants are arriving or leaving, dog decides to urinate on gate post, whats the appropriate action- A. Let it B. Pull the lead and move on C. Something else?
Slightly off topic, if ever you visit Paris you will quickly adopt what is called the parisian shuffle. It's a beautiful city but the pavements are littered with dog crap, it's a major issue that makes dog fowling here pail into insignificance.
Slightly off topic, if ever you visit Paris you will quickly adopt what is called the parisian shuffle. It's a beautiful city but the pavements are littered with dog crap, it's a major issue that makes dog fowling here pail into insignificance.