People fiddle things all the time, have a good long think have you ever taken anything? a pencil, paper clips, printing paper used a facility you weren't entitled to, committed a traffic offence not many of us (including myself) are squeaky clean, you cant condemn an organisation for the actions of a few bad apples, take a look at those that purport to represent us in parliament, they have an above average sprinkling of thieves liars and child molesters and they are referred to as honourable.
............................ claimed benefits you weren't entitled to?
If we had good MPs in Birkenhead we could have a Liverpool one style shopping area in Wirral with the best view of the Liverpool waterfront . A major selling point but no we have a dump called Birkenhead . Wake up Wirral and use your vote more productively next time if u care for you children's prospects .
yes granny Yvette Cooper did keep her seat and thankfully Esther McVey lost hers, some small justice. Best regards. Bennie
The trouble with 'Strictly Labour ' is that most supporters don't see further than the end of their very own nose. In case you have not been able to follow the goings on and mischief that seem to have been evolving behind the scenes of the Labour party during the last couple of years , Ed Balls has had his wife Yvette Cooper, standing in the wings for long enough, waiting for Miliband to drop out. Now, you see tonight that although her beloved has had the shock of his life, she is more than likely to stand for the leadership of the Labour Party. Taking that on board, do you really think she would be the one to lead Labour to a victorious election next time around ? So although you seem to think my point was rebuffed by Esther McVey's defeat being in my thoughts, you were wrong. It was purely to make as observation that the next leader of the Labour Party, might well (again) be the wrong person.
My thoughts on the horrible, tactics and personal attacks directed at Esther Mcvey; I doubt they made any difference to the outcome. It simply stamped those who behave in such an undemocratic manner, to be denouncing their own so called democratic beliefs.
The country voted and showed their choice. Can't change what the majority choose and each one must have had their own reason for the way they voted. End of !
Last edited by granny; 8th May 20159:21pm.
Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect. ~Chief Seattle
ok I many be a bit slow, but can someone explain to me why all the news channels around about 10.30 last night said the Conservative will win? how can they tell before the votes are counted?
sorry but I don't understand this and it's put me off voting every again.
The exit poll, asking people how they voted when leaving the polling station, was more or less on the mark.We had a discussion about it in the pub because it had UKIP as two seats.Everything else was way off the mark.
In the last 5 years we borrowed around £600bn, in the previous 10 years we borrowed much less than that!
I just checked today's debt figure, it is over £1.5 trillion.
Spot on, and who is going to carry the can and pay for this outrageous waste of money, let me guess the disabled the sick the unemployed, the elderly, you aint seen nothing yet, just wondering how long it will be before we hear the denials, "I never voted Tory" I do hope very much I am wrong.
In the last 5 years we borrowed around £600bn, in the previous 10 years we borrowed much less than that!
I just checked today's debt figure, it is over £1.5 trillion.
DD, I think you probably know better than I do that debt figures are not quite so simple. The £1.5 trillion is a running total from previous Governments, including interest on the debt. The British Government actually had a surplus between 1998 and 2001 inherited by Blair's Government, but even if a government has a surplus it may still need to borrow for investments, which is what happened then. .
There is a difference between debt and deficit, to reduce the deficit there has to be borrowing and the borrowing is used for large investments. So here is another chart which gives a different perspective . Borrowing can also come in the form gilts and securities it's not paper money. This is obviously why all political parties where committed to getting the deficit down.
Quote : Borrowing
"Borrowing is... well, borrowing. Strictly speaking, borrowing and deficit (current budget) are not the same thing.
The two are linked, of course, as one covers the other, but the government doesn't just borrow money to pay back the deficit. It also borrows to invest.
The current budget covers everyday expenses - welfare payments, departmental costs etc. But the government also makes big investments, such as infrastructure projects, that are not included.
If the government is running a deficit, it may make investments on top of this, and will therefore need to borrow to cover both." unquote
DD, The projected figures of 2013 to 2015 maybe incorrect on this graph but according to your figures, the others don't match either.
Following taken from Wikipedia because it is a good source of information and easy to understand for us laymen.
The British Government debt is rising due to a gap between revenue and expenditure. Total government revenue in the fiscal year 2011/12 was projected to be £589 billion, whereas total expenditure was estimated at £710 billion. Therefore the total deficit, was £121 billion. This represented a rate of borrowing of a little over £2 billion per week.
The British Government finances its debt by issuing Gilts, or Government securities. These securities are the simplest form of government bond and make up the largest share of British Government debt.[
Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect. ~Chief Seattle