Hi, 420D M Sport. Nice car to drive. Has a few issues that I will have to get on with. It's not a very well though off car. Lots of small things that make you think "why on hell did they design it like that??"
My car before this was an 2012 e250 sport merc and the slk55. I think I have been spoiled by merc, there are very few bells and whistles on mercy but everything there serves a role, nothing is a gimmic.
On the b&w it has satellite imagery with weather forecasts yet it does have the ability to control the dual climate with a single nob... Nor can you leave the auto wipers on... Must be turned on every time you get in.... Small things but just not really very good!
Last edited by TheComputerLab; 13th Apr 20158:35pm.
Lol, old mans living room, yes I couldn't agree more. The new ones though, God ugly! The screen looks like the designer completely forgot about it and then at the end just went "shit, the screen... Put it here!!"
Hi Guys, still hangin on, just got another setback,no feeling in my right leg.Specialist said "nerve damage". Just got out of bed 3 weeks ago, went on my arse, my "Specialist", had a feel and a grope, "Nerve Damage", yet again nothing He can do. I think He's done enough damage.Consequently, can't walk, but they've given me a brand new lecky wheelchair.From "Speed Freak" to crippled 68 yr old grumpy Pensioner. People sat "Shit Happens", tell me about it.Anyway, moan over.So, consequently, after 10 years of absolute pleasure and bliss, plus moments of sheer terror, I've made the heart wrenching decision to part with my beloved M3. I,have just had had a full service done,and had a Valet, (wanna keep Her now, she looks lovely).I hate seeing Her sitting on the Drive, she should be driven. My wife can't drive Her,(she's only little).the Bride's got a lovely little Beemer, It's a 2001,Z3 Beemer, with a black soft top(new),as usual, she keeps it sparkling.Its only done 23,000 mrs.We live in Bromborough, and the furthes She goes is to Asda and back,maybe Conway to the boat sometimes.Well, better get my breakfast, sorry I go on and on, but as you know, Idon't get out much.Thanks. Phil.
Ok, Ok, not a 4 Series, nor an M3, but Ive had quite a few BMWs, and seeing the love in this thread, thought Id share my current car, An E91 335d - non std ....