So when they have taught us not to drop our stumps in the street and the revenue dries up from that source, will Kingdom Ltd still be paid by the council if the cost falls below what they collect. I'd be interested to know how much and how Kingdom Ltd get paid. Just wondering if they are on a commission basis - the more fines the more money earned? Do they give you time to tread on the stump to put it out prior to putting it in a litter bin or do you put it in lit possibly causing the litter bin to go on fire.
Have they any sort of uniform they wear which if you saw one would obviously deter anyone from dropping litter. Are parents responsible (and fined) for children dropping litter ?
no uniform mate. just looked like any normal person in the street. black pants, grey hoody, looked like steel toe cap boots!!! not even from round here. the goon giving the ticket out even had to ask where he was!! quite aggressive too. I was wondering re commission too. one goon got out while the other stayed in the car.
apparently theyre from st Helens!! well done WBC contracting out of the area. as if contracting out all other services we pay council tax for wasn't bad enough!
Michael Fisher, Divisional Director for Kingdom Environmental Protection Division (EPD), said: “We are delighted to be working in partnership with Wirral Council with the common aim of reducing street litter within the district and make the streets both cleaner and safer for all members of the community. Kingdom EPD have been delivering a wide range of environmental investigations and enforcement services on a national basis since 2009 and have consequently contributed to a reduction in street litter and the associated cost of street cleaning as a result of our efforts. this is taken from 'kingdom' “Our aim is to patrol in an ‘intelligence led’ manner focusing our controls on identified litter hotspots operating a robust but always proportionate methodology to tackle the problem, using a wide range of technical support including body worn cameras and a ‘real time’ capability of verifying details provided in the event of transgressions being identified. Our patrols will be instructed to communicate openly with the community with the overall aim of inclusivity for the Wirral community to play their part in the task ahead.”
Good Advice.
There targeting Care homes and old people at the bus stops, there was a video on facebook and a woman in distress over the whole thing, and a good guy videoed it all and they walked off. With there heads down.
Originally Posted by fish5133
Just fined a mum for letting her daughter throw bread to the ducks in Birkenhead Park. Because the ducks were full and didn't eat it--it was litter.
And this is preventing Fly Tipping shame on you wirral council !!!
£80 to a pensioner is a weeks wage and can tip them into debt !!
Shame on Wirral Council !!!
The police understand the word Caution, why cant the council !!! Take my name and address and Caution me, I'm hardly a murderer. . . .
On the positive side it does seem to be working, in Birkenhead yesterday waiting for the wife outside the shops, never seen so many people putting litter in the bins, I read a letter in the Globe from some fool trying to defend dropping ciggy butts by saying people don't trip over them and they don't cause any harm, I think that says it all.
The video on FB was taken on Seabank Road by the shops - and the "good guy" was following the officers down the road shouting abuse at them. Littering and flytipping are totally separate issues.
I'm fed up of living in an area where a large proportion of residents think that the streets are for them to throw crap onto because they're too lazy to use a bin, not to mention the amount of ill informed barrack room lawyers defending them!
Ok he was foul with his mouth but im sure you heard how distressed the old lady was and how they walked away and hid there faces from his camera.
Why cant they caution in the Hot Spots for 3 - 6 months, there out for money and its going to backfire on them.
You can drop a ciggy in Liverpool get off the ferry and Drop another one and get £80 fine. Were are the warnings, where is the friendly advice.
Littering is littering, but why zero tolerance, I remember not so many years ago chatting with a policeman with a cigarette in my hand and stubbed it out on the floor while talking to them. The Littering Law of old was in place then, no action taken, or advised to put it in the bin.
Is it so difficult to take a name and address as a caution ! Second time you get fined, that's fair enough until the word has spread. 3 or 6 months.
As i say, an OAP hit with a £80 fine is wrong !! There pension is pitiful, and that money could be heating or food.
I agree with the side of littering being wrong, but not this way of collecting and frightening old people.
This video he says stop videoing, its on public ground and you can video. You can video police as long as it does not hinder his work, in other words prevent an arrest because of your actions.
Every Other Enforcement office i can think of wears Hi Viz why are these guys so dark !! Its money making .. . . .
An older video from knowsley Published on Aug 2, 2013 A Knowsley Council 'Enforcement' Officer entered onto private premises after he had seen a pensioner allegedly drop a cigarette stump (also on that private property) and he then escorted the OAP off those private premises in order to issue him with a fine for 'dropping litter'
These guys are in a law to there own. . . . .
Just look how intimidating they are, and telling you what they want you to hear.
Most important part is that you should never delete any pictures, not even a police officer can ask you to delete them, only a court order. A policeman can view the content but not delete.
You can find various links to the "Photography advice - Metropolitan Police Service" document via google, but the met website was a pain to load, but eventually you will get it. Public place no restrictions, private property its up to the property owner what is allowed or not.
You can not prevent an officer carrying out his duties, as in your standing out like a sore thumb, preventing him say watching a criminal.
Its when i see content like above and old people and even mentally ill people being targeted makes my blood boil. And then they can not even inform you correctly of the law, they are intimidating. Stand your Ground. I cant find the seabank road video to share.
If I was a smoker I would be tempted to have some fine fishing wire attached to a cigarette butt and play some games with them.
Presumably the littering laws include a requirement of abandonment.
However I still think this is a good thing, if people haven't got the message yet then that is clearly their problem. The system is exceedingly generous in giving the option to keep it as a civil matter and not criminal, apparently in Liverpool the average fine in courts is £175.
We don't do charity in Germany, we pay taxes. Charity is a failure of governments' responsibilities - Henning Wehn
Also, we will now be paying for plastic bags in an attempt to stop us dropping them and causing pollution to our seas and sea life. Getting into the food chain. Can't see the sale of plastic bags will stop the litter louts . There are plenty of other plastic objects , packaging etc. that are left after a day out at the beach. but polluted oceans are obviously all the fault of the British....again. So charge the buggers !
Every little helps but it has to be more down to education and targeting the cruise liners for dumping their rubbish and effluence in the oceans on a massive scale. Always have done, always will do !
Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect. ~Chief Seattle
In 2013 Liverpool collected 14,000 tons of street litter in one year which cost them £6.5m
Wirral street cleaning costs £3.5m so the fines have so far clawed back less than 10% of the cost, if they carry on fining at the same rate (unlikely!) they will only recover nearly 50% of the cleaning cost in one year.
Littering isn't a hobby, facility or interest, why should everybody pay for others who are not only doing something illegal but also are being extremely anti-social.
We don't do charity in Germany, we pay taxes. Charity is a failure of governments' responsibilities - Henning Wehn