The image, which shows four of the iconic purple tubs side by side, has sparked outrage on social media after it was posted on the Quality Street Facebook page by customer Charlotte Stacey Hook. In her post, Ms Hook claims that the oldest tin, pictured on the far left, was bought in 1998. However, some chocolate fans have argued that it was the design used in the 1980s. A Nestle spokesman said it was difficult to tell when exactly each tin was made, but that the newest tub appeared to be from 2014/2015; the ones in the middle from the 2000s; and the one on the far left from the late 1990s or early 2000s.
Might make us all a bit healthier--but they do it on the good stuff as well. Not from concentrate orange juices etc --the cartoons now 0.75lt or 1.4lt and price staying the same as 1lt and 2lt. Also noticed if a product gets popular the price starts creeping up...
Robinsons Orange Squash. This last week three different places, three different prices and it seem to be an item that constantly changes everywhere. Obviously the same applies with everything thing else, but I have a hang-up about Robinsons Orange Squash.
Sainsbury's Pensby Road, £1.69
Local grocers £1.29
Tesco £1.00 on offer.
That's a pretty big variant. Strangely enough, I bought mine at Tesco
Must say, Quality Street had obviously got smaller, but didn't realise by how much. Won't be buying them anymore either and Cadbury's chocolate is like diabetes in one dose. It is vile now , and 'death by chocolate' was never a more true expression. We pay a high price to kill ourselves !
Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect. ~Chief Seattle