Do you have a favourite brand , because I can't find the pleasure in any chocolate I have tried any longer ?
Since the takeover of Cadbury's their chocolate is not nice now, far too sickly. All the original British chocolate companies have been sold off to foreigners and it's just not 'chocolate ' anymore.
Thornton's chocolate ( never a fan) is another one which was always over rated in my opinion and even more rubbish now since the takeover.
Who do we have locally making their own chocolate because I for one would prefer to support them, rather than the foreign companies that have scooped up all the crème de la British.
Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect. ~Chief Seattle
Mines always been Cadbury's but the taste has changed over the years. Easter egg chocolate being my very favourite . I find all sweets have lost their original flavours, midget gems being a big offender in the flavour theft. I was a big fan of the black ones but now they have little or no flavour. Give us back all the e numbers and put the flavour back in our sweets. Maybe you could start a petition Granny.
British chocolate has never been very nice in my opinion. Far too much sugar and you can't taste the chocolate much if at all. It's worth while taking a look at how much chocolate there is in the stuff. You would probably be horrified. I like dark French or Belgian stuff much more. Dark and bitter, it goes down a treat when accompanied by a glass of Malbec. If you haven't tried this do so immediately!
I seem to remember a dispute when the EU set lower limits for how much chocolate a bar of the stuff was supposed to contain to be called chocolate. The UK products all well below this limit and there was a suggestion that it should be called 'vegelate'. Outrage in the dimmer tabloids and their readers of course, with headlines like "EU BANS BRITISH CHOCOLATE" etc.
In the event, the Brits secured a concession and we remained with many folk never enjoying the delight of real chocolate. I don't know whether Cadbury's et al. sell any of their stuff into the rest of the EU or not. I expect they would have to raise the chocolate level to meet their regulations or label it something other than chocolate. "Merde" springs to mind.
Me, i like chocolate too too much unfortunately! Don't like The Belgium or Continental chocolate like you do Ex, far too sickley and Rich for me. My faves our Walnut Whips and Fry's Turkish delight, yum yum. Don't really know whether taste has changed Granny , never lasts that long with me, but size certainly has, every year smaller and smaller. Remember when Wagon Wheels were huge now like jammie dodgers, ha.
Have you tried continental chocolate with a good full bodied red Cools? If not, for heaven's sake do it NOW. You could be run over by a bus tomorrow, and would arrive at the pearly gates admitting that you had already rejected paradise.
You don't want St Peter giving you a long hard look over the top of his glasses do you.
The 'continental' chocs are nowhere near as nice as the ones my husband used to bring home from Belgium. About 6 boxes at a time, and nothing compares, not even Marks and Spencers Belgium chocs. Totally different.
Galaxy for me too. Wondering if St Peter likes it.
A glass of full bodied red with these is recipe for a migraine
Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect. ~Chief Seattle
Me, i like chocolate too too much unfortunately! Don't like The Belgium or Continental chocolate like you do Ex, far too sickley and Rich for me. My faves our Walnut Whips and Fry's Turkish delight, yum yum. Don't really know whether taste has changed Granny , never lasts that long with me, but size certainly has, every year smaller and smaller. Remember when Wagon Wheels were huge now like jammie dodgers, ha.